Friday, July 24, 2009


This comes as no surprise to me, those who 'baptise' children and babies, and or folks that have conducted some ritual to 'become' members of a church should not be surprised when they step away.

Baptism is only a outer show of what Christ did in my life, I died with Him, was buried with Him and rose again.

The act of Baptism means nothing spiritual in itself, it is only a show, a demonstration of what has happened, a first step of obedience to Jesus Christ.

Salvation happens upon my belief in what Christ did on my behalf on Calvary, I can unbelieve (my belief in this life will always be weak, a mere shadow of what my belief will be in my perfected body in glory) but I cannot unsave.  If I genuinely believed, then I am saved.  If I did not believe, then all of the baptisms and de-baptisms are meaningless.

Put your faith in Christ today.  He died for you.

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotton son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

I have not posted either on this or my professional blog in quite some time.  I have continued to deal with a family matter that has eaten both my time but most importantly my thoughts and concentration.  Lord willing things will settle down, but if not, pray Lord that you give me the strength to pass through this in such a manner as to bring glory to your name.  js


Well.  We are coming out of a deep freeze.  Election year in the states to our south (and a good chance of an election here federally).  The...