Monday, December 27, 2021

Deciding Questionable Things (tests)

 I wrote this down in a book cover twenty or so years back, when I was a newly born again Christian.  A series of tests that you can use to make important (and simple) decisions.  Don't remember for sure where I found it, or who taught it.  Still find it quite reasonable and reliable.

  1. Proclamation: does the Bible express-idly forbid it?   Is there a clear command to not do so, to avoid, to shun, to remove yourself from that situation?
  2. Principal: does the Bible forbid it in principal?  Are there similar things that should be avoided or not done, though not necessarily mentioned in the exact?
  3. Partnership: could I invite Jesus Christ to participate with me?  Nothing I can add...
  4. Presence: would I want to be found doing it with the Lord Jesus Christ returns and we are raptured?  Kinda like the preacher who avoids his ministry one Sunday AM to run a round of golf and gets a Hole-in-One on the hardest fairway....
  5. Purity: does it bring glory to God the Father?  Again, nothing I can add...
  6. Peace: is there any doubt in my mind about it?  If it's doubtful, Don't. Do. It.
  7. Profession: will it hurt my testimony?  Many things I am allowed to do, much like Paul discussing the meat from the shambles, but they could hurt my testimony among weaker Christians or worse, cause them to fall into sin.

A quite day after the storm has passed...  LOL.  We had a couple of days of gatherings.  Much smaller than we hoped (restrictions, a way of life for now), far better than last year.  

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Pages 395 – 402


Chronicles of Geneva by François Bonivard.

“When the bubonic plague struck Geneva in 1530, everything was ready. They even opened a whole hospital for the plague victims. With doctors, paramedics and nurses. The traders contributed, the magistrate gave grants every month. The patients always gave money, and if one of them died alone, all the goods went to the hospital.
But then a disaster happened: the plague was dying out, while the subsidies depended on the number of patients.
There was no question of right and wrong for the Geneva hospital staff in 1530. If the plague produces money, then the plague is good. And then the doctors got organized.
At first, they just poisoned patients to raise the mortality statistics, but they quickly realized that the statistics didn’t have to be just about mortality, but about mortality from plague.
So they began to cut the boils from the bodies of the dead, dry them, grind them in a mortar and give them to other patients as medicine. Then they started dusting clothes, handkerchiefs and garters. But somehow the plague continued to abate. Apparently, the dried buboes didn’t work well.
Doctors went into town and spread bubonic powder on door handles at night, selecting those homes where they could then profit. As an eyewitness wrote of these events, “this remained hidden for some time, but the devil is more concerned with increasing the number of sins than with hiding them.”
In short, one of the doctors became so impudent and lazy that he decided not to wander the city at night, but simply threw a bundle of dust into the crowd during the day. The stench rose to the sky and one of the girls, who by a lucky chance had recently come out of that hospital, discovered what that smell was.
The doctor was tied up and placed in the good hands of competent “craftsmen.” They tried to get as much information from him as possible.
However, the execution lasted several days. The ingenious hippocrats were tied to poles on wagons and carried around the city. At each intersection the executioners used red-hot tongs to tear off pieces of meat. They were then taken to the public square, beheaded and quartered, and the pieces were taken to all the districts of Geneva. The only exception was the hospital director’s son, who did not take part in the trial but blurted out that he knew how to make potions and how to prepare the powder without fear of contamination. He was simply beheaded “to prevent the spread of evil”.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Merry Christmas

"As the Roman Empire grew militarily, so did its need for roads. As a result, Roman roads were widespread and usually well paved. Wherever they conquered, the Romans built long, relatively straight roads to make the movement of military equipment easier. This desire to avoid curves necessitated the advanced engineering of bridges, tunnels, and viaducts to traverse mountains and valleys. Roman roads were well built and often populated by the military, making them much safer to travel than their Greek counterparts. Spanning nearly 250,000 miles, these roads became a symbol of Rome’s power, connecting diverse subcultures within the empire."

Not to get too long, just a short synopsis.  The article states that the Messiah came at the perfect time I concur.  But not just because of the roads.  The values of freedom of movement for a Roman citizen were still acknowledged due to the resulting peace of the beginning of the Empire and end of the civil wars from the last of the Republican battles for supremacy.  The confluence of events allowed an opportunity.  Once under the control of the Roman republic and later Empire, a person could live quite freely, under strict Roman Law of course.  But areas sought acceptance as parts of the republic, citizenship was a treasure that was highly valued and even paid for.   

A citizen and entourage could travel freely, even non-citizens could travel if not criminal element.  Trade flourished.  

This allowed a young man and his wife, to travel with her young child from the modern region of Israel to Egypt to avoid the predations of a power-hungry Judean king, also for the Apostles (Roman citizen Paul and maybe Barnabas, but also the Jewish fishermen) to travel freely not only within Roman borders but into areas outside the Empire.  Still under the protection of Roman Law and influence.  This due to the value of Roman Citizenship and the iron Roman Law created a unique (up until recent times) era of freedom of movement. 

This era ended first with the start of Emperor worship that destroyed the Jewish state structure that existed within the Roman Empire (Pharisees, Sadducees and Herodians) with the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70.  In this window the Temple still existed, allowing for the Jewish lineage to be established, which was and is a requirement to establish who the Messiah was and is.  And not very much later, the resumption of civil wars and break down of Roman Law disrupted and eventually stopped free travel and trade.  Eventually this resulted in the dark ages and times of heresy and man-made religious structures and spiritual imprisonment.

A window of opportunity.  The Messiah could be born, safely grow into a man.  Conduct His ministry and later, His disciples could spread the Word throughout the civilized world getting it established.

It is a long discussion whether or not The Son of God was born on a cold winter morning in Bethlehem.  Well; He was born, but what date?  Well, the flocks were in the fields, the Judean king was in his winter palace in Jerusalem. Exactly when?  Not for us to know.

We can pinpoint when the Resurrection happened because it is linked with the Passover, which is a date that can be determined and is established on the Judean calendar.  The exact birthdate and even the exact location of the death of the Messiah however is left in the air.

Probably because the Lord knew that as men, we would begin to worship the site and date, instead of the Saviour.

So when is Christmas day?  The birthday of the Saviour?  Well, my first Pastor years back even before I put my trust and faith in Jesus Christ, when I asked (due to my Roman Catholic youth and education) why we were not meeting on ‘Christmas Day’.  Answered “everyday is Christmas day”.

We should celebrate every day that we are alive, that our Lord recognized our sinful fallen state, and sent a Saviour, who later died on a cross, a poor man, who owned nothing in this world but the cloak on His back.  And yet, The Son of God.  A perfect sacrifice for our sins.

Sent: at the perfect fulness of time.

Praise the Lord.  Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 6, 2021


Song of Solomon 2:11-12 For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;
The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;
I post this one this morning to share a smile, as every time I read it, the two verses together bring a smile to my face.
When we first moved south, we would spend quite a bit of the summer at my sister's lake property. In that part of NW Ontario there is an abundance of snapping turtles . Some quite large (Alicia and I captured one once that was at least 13" in diameter. Weighted somewhere around twenty pounds, and bite through the aluminum bar of the fish net I used to scoop him up with like it was butter...).
One day Alicia saw this verse posted on the highway.
Great hilarity ensued (Yep. I'm getting
Love the winter, but looking forward to the flowers and birds. No snapping turtles here to my knowledge.
Have a great day.


Friday, December 3, 2021


 I saw this on a website I visit regularly this morning, and of course, with my infantryman's sense of humour I immediately posted it to FB with a trigger warning for those without a dark sense of what can cause one to laugh.

Of course there is more to this comic than meets the eye.  You see, just a easy walk down societal road.  Our Western Civilization started, no matter what anyone says, on the basis of Christianity.  The ability to make an agreement, that was based on a common understanding, that someone would keep their word.

Yes, that is the basis of civilization (why do you think Communist China is so corrupt? - don't take my word for it, Google China Defective Products and come back - see you in an hour...LOL).  Everyone plays on the same sheet of music (to some degree, there will always be different flavors of the juice).  The Roman Church held all the reins of power for centuries, until the corruption became too obvious and the reformation started (just look at why Martin Luther rebelled - indulgences will give you a starting track).

Western Civilization came out of the belief, that there is a God, who holds men accountable.  Those who do bad will be punished, if not in this world, the next.  Of course, a just God will be and hold men to good.  And of course if there is good, then there must be evil.

Recently watched the movie from a couple decades back (am I that old?) Santa Claus 2.  Of course it has its plot and is quite funny.  They put a robot santa in charge while the real Santa (Tim Allen) goes to find himself a wife.  The robot santa reads the rule book.  Well, if you've watched it you know the story, and if you haven't you can probably figure it out if I told you the temporary santa wants to give all of the children coal.

So then, are there any good people?  If and when you read the Bible (God's handbook for this life to mankind) you quickly see that all have fallen short.  None of us are with out sin (doing something bad).  So a 'just' God has to punish the sin or He is not a just God, just another charlatan.

A dilemma...

 All people fall short of the glory of God.

What is the answer?

Well, in times past, before creation, God the Father sat down (did they have spiritual chairs? who knows?) with God the Son and set out a plan.  The mankind that They/He (The Trinity, almost impossible for a man to understand) would create, would fall, as would a sizable cadre of the heavenly angels.

There was a place built for those fallen angels (and a future place - the lake of fire - for them in eternity), but that place was not built for man.

God had a plan.  A simple plan.

He would send His Son, His only begotten Son to earth, to live as a man, to be tempted at all points as a man and yet to never sin.  To suffer indignities and pain as a man, to be accused of things He never did and to die innocent, carrying to the cross, all of the sins of man.  Every sin, from beginning to the end.

Jesus died for them, in our place.

So, Santa ignores our sin, the kids get coal, but nothing really is done.  God does not ignore our sin.  Punishment has been carried out.  Paid in full.

All you have to do is accept that gift, the gift of God to mankind.  Forgiveness of sin, acceptance into the family.

God's grace.


Thursday, November 25, 2021

Goodbye Shae.

We put our puppy down a week past today.  We stayed with her (I cannot imagine doing otherwise).  She was without pain.

To my mind the best thing that can be said about a canine companion is: "she/he was a good dog".

Well: Shaelynn was a good dog, and is surely missed.  

Happy Thanksgiving to my American Friends and Family


Friday, November 19, 2021

Folk Hero?

The Ballad of Kyle Rittenhouse  Clifton Hicks

Come all you friends and neighbors a story I will tell Concerning Kyle Rittenhouse and the criminals that he killed, While in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in sorrow and in strife A gang of thugs flew upon him they tried to take his life The raper, Joseph Rosenbaum, was first to strike a blow But Kyle turned and faced the foe, with his rifle laid him low, Then little Tony Huber came skating to the fray But Kyle drew a bead on him and he took his life away The last to try young Rittenhouse was pistol packing Gaige But Kyle blew his arm in two and Gaige did run away, Kyle Rittenhouse is innocent, it's only common sense For he did not do nothing wrong, he fought in self defense.
UPDATE: I sent this to some people and they responded that I thought Kyle R was a hero.  Absolutely not.  Innocent of what he was charged with? Yes.  Stupid? Yes.  Need we say anymore?  Note: Jesse and Frank James were (are) folk hero's.  Murders, robbers, scoundrels, and hero's...  Choose your hero's wisely.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Showing Respect

Remembrance Day 2021 Montreal 

 Just a picture of some young fellas on parade yesterday (I think they are Canadian Black Watch, so probably Toronto and area).  I did that myself for decades as a cadet then later as a serving soldier (once in theater).   This post is not to degrade what they have done nor bring disrespect on them or anyone else who steps out on the morning of the 11th.  

When I first returned from overseas on one of my more interesting tours I went out with my wife and her mother for the R-Day in Chilliwack.  My wife's mum had (and still does) served with the Woman's Auxiliary for the Royal Canadian Legion.  I think she's got almost 60 years of service.  She never served in the forces or auxiliary forces, just the woman's group.  Always behind the scenes making sure things went off without a hitch (much like her daughter; to mine and our children's benefit and blessing).

When I first got out of the military (over twenty years back now), I attended a few years in Yellowknife, then a couple in the Fort, but most years I avoided it all and was pissed off.  Pissed off at what?  Who knows.

I dawned on me a few years back (did I say I was a slow learner?), that my wife likes attending the cenotaph service.  And not just attending, but standing beside me while I wear what ever accoutrements I was favored with from my years of service.  Think about it.  She earned them too.  She was home making sure wives knew what was going on, organizing platoon shirts for the boys, and coffee and park visits for the wives and girlfriends.  And most important, making sure the kids had a clean well ordered home to grow up in, that the bills were paid, the driveway shoveled, write letters to me, etc, etc.  

I am blessed.  And I go out regularly now.  To honor her and many others like her.  

Yesterday, I spent time reflecting on the names on the Cenotaph (here in Altona, it was just moved to a more open location due to town infrastructure changes).  Young men.  Who joined up in an area that most definitely did not support military service.  But they joined up.  Maybe just for adventure (and there is a lot of adventure beside all of the 'hurry up and wait' while you are in), maybe to serve something bigger than themselves (nothing makes you feel smaller than when on the move with a very large military organization, you can only see bits and pieces but you know there is more going on).  They had mothers, girlfriends, wives, some came back, the names on the stone did not.

So.  If you are still serving or got out, good for you, if you stayed home, that's okay too.  Hopefully you're not pissed off.  That was a waste of years for me.

God bless.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Firearms Safety

"At a recent major pistol competition, an accident happened. One of the participants, while holstering his gun between strings of fire, got his trigger finger in the wrong place and shot himself in the leg.Think about what your reaction would be if you saw that happen, or if it happened at your club. 

 What assumptions did you make about the shooter and the incident?..."

"As a community, we need to stop treating all accidental discharges as foolish and criminal acts. By placing every accident under the umbrella of sin, we do ourselves a disservice. We lose the chance to examine the details and learn from them. We lump the competitor who made a momentary transgression in with the idiot who’s never learned anything about safe gun handling. Worst of all, we create a mindset that tells us mistakes won’t happen to smart people (meaning, “us”) … which breeds complacency, which breeds more mistakes." 

I posted the above link and the following on Facebook this morning after watching the freak out over Alex Baldwins movie negligence discharge the past week and weekend.  I think I said it all there, except: Rest In Peace Halyna Hutchins.

"I don't care for Alex Baldwin. I have thought he was quite a blowhard (the few times I've heard of him, did I say I wasn't a fan?).

But on this I treat him no different than anyone else. Anyone who handles and fires firearms on a regular basis has made mistakes. Be grateful for the direction your barrel was pointed.
I don't condone it, there should be legal action (someone died!), I don't know the law, but if you run someone over when your vehicle is out of control, from your negligence. You get charged.
Alex was apparently the producer. So he is not only the perpetrator, but also overall responsible for everything that took place.
Will he be held to account? Well. I have no idea. Our society (both countries when it comes to fair application of law to all members) has kinda slipped its bonds the past few years.
RIP to the young lady, and condolences to her family."


Sunday, October 24, 2021

Movie Night


I watched the movie Downfall last night.  It was made in Germany in 2004 not too long after the fall of the Soviet Union and reunification of East and West Germany.  I am sure that everyone on here has seen the multitude of you-tube parodies of the scene in the movie, where AH finds out that Steiner is not coming.  Is the movie historically accurate?  I believe it is as accurate as any depiction of the last days of Germany's experiment with socialism in one nation / people could be.  

The children of the Goebbels in the bunker is in my mind the most tragic.  To be killed by their mother while their father waits outside the room (there is very little doubt of the historical accuracy of this event, there were surviving witnesses to just about everything that took place in that couple of weeks in that location which have been studied, evaluated and recorded) is especially evil.  

The big complaint I read from critics regarding the movie was that they thought it 'humanized' Adolf Hitler.  Well, he was human. Interestingly though, the character displaying his wife (based on the memories of Frau Traudl Junge) stated that no one really knew him.  Funny, that is also something that is noted about Josef Stalin, Mao, Franco etc etc etc.  Does the movie depict him as 'far too human'?  

I don't know, evil? without a doubt, but too human?  IDK. The scene when he finds out that "the true Heinrich" (H. Himmler - the head of the Gestapo, SS etc) had betrayed him, is completely understandable, anyone would be outraged.  If anyone should have 'stayed' loyal (of course the fact that almost 90% of Germany was occupied by various Allied forces by this time period speaks wonders) to Adolph; he probably expected his co-conspirator to eliminate Europe's Jews to be the one.  They both, with Goering on occasion had been hand in glove in evil for decades by this point.  The completely out of touch statement that Himmler (depicted in the movie) makes to General H. Fegelein (conveniently married to Eva Braun's sister) about how Eisenhower will need to negotiate with him to maintain order in Germany after the surrender...  Evil.  Clueless evil.

It depicts the grifter leadership of a nation that made a pact with the devil.  Weimar Germany gave overwhelming power and control to a clique of ideological thieves. You knew that Adolf was rich beyond all measure didn't you?  Yep, he would be equivalent of our current flock of billionaires.  His supporters at the highest level dived right in to taking anything they could get their hands on.  His estate even made money on his picture being depicted on German stamps.  Everyone that got married in NAZI Germany was given a free (paid for by the state) copy of his book Mein Kampf (with the resulting royalties going to him).  All this controlled by Martin Bormann.  

Goring is the most famous of the thieves with the recent movie and book "Monuments Men" recording.  Was the Goebbels family immune from the greed?  No, Frau Goebbels it is well recorded that she loved being considered "the first lady of the Reich", and they both became quite wealthy.  The movie shows a little of the leaders trying to escape however they can.  Showing up for the Fuhrers birthday and skedaddling as soon as the cake was cut.  

Were they (the NAZI party leadership throughout the country) suiciding because they feared the reprisal of an angry world or because they didn't want to live out their lives in pauperdom, in disgrace?  Who knows, everyone is an individual.  A lot of them ended their lives and took their families with them.  Many left their families behind, a mercy, but a qualified one.  There are books you can find depicting the surviving lives of children of those leaders.  A shameful heritage to leave on someone's shoulders.

The German military establishment is depicted in their alliance with the foul political structure.  Did they fight on because they didn't want a repeat of the "stab in the back" theory of the end of the first war?  Or more in likely their well founded fear that the winners would quickly find out about their connivance and active participation in the slaughter of people and theft of their property to maintain the always on the edge of crumbling NAZI state (Margaret Thatcher was right, socialism only works until you run out of other peoples money).  There are none that can be found with clean hands.  A great shame on the once quite proud Prussian/German military heritage.

It is easy to see their 'heroics' (those who later claimed to be standing up to Hitler) at the end as a positive statement.  Until you do a little digging about their personal histories.  Not in this movie, but one of the clearest examples is General von Choltitz the commander of Paris in 1944.  Yes, he disobeyed and didn't destroy the city (would he have been able to with his limited resources is another question).  A hero?  Well until you read the transcript of him talking to other generals in the prison facility in England where he talks of his successful completion of Hitlers order to eradicate all of the Jews in the Crimea a few years prior...

We now know that many of the higher German officers were paid, and paid very well, for their active participation in the defending of the NAZI state.  Guderian?  Brauchitsch? Rundstedt? Rommell? Halder?  The list is only now coming to light.

 Kind of undermines the picture they tried to paint with their memoirs written after the war, with in most cases active American approval (the yanks were staring down the great unknown of the Red Menace and needed all the advice they could get so there is that in their defence weak though it is).  Memoirs written with the intent of sealing their place in history.  Survivors complaints about Hitlers leadership need to be reviewed in a new light when you find how they were being paid off in bribes to keep with the program.

The movie clearly depicts what happens when you put your faith in men, and not in God.  Would I watch it again?  No.  

My hands feel dirty.  

Not to say you shouldn't watch it once.

Have a great day, On Purpose!

Saturday, October 16, 2021

13 Years or so...


Looking through posts on here from back in time.  One of the first posts was in regards to waking up in the night to let this puppy out (Oct 2008).  She is over 14 now.  

I visited the vet a month or so back as she has had an increasingly hard time moving about, just to see if there was anything else to  be done.  She already takes medication to ease her aches and harness her bladder (which are a balancing act...).

The vet told me "you know your dog is old...".  Go figure.

She has been a good dog.  Always brings a smile to my wife's face (and mine).  She has become a little more frantic when she wants to play.  Almost like she knows time is getting short and she wants to get a few more catch's in.

She is a good dog.  She seems to thrive on approval and is very aware of disapproval.

Interestingly, when we get to heaven (at least for me) we look forward to hearing from our Lord and Saviour: "well done!"  

Matthew 25:23 "His lord said unto him, well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord." 

I do not want to meet my Saviour in shame (at least anymore than I already have worked up).  Praise God it will all be covered by the blood and cast into the deepest sea.

Of course I don't have much desire to 'rule over' anyone, not less in many things.  I have commanded, ordered, trained, directed, cajoled,  etc in many types of fields ranging from military service, at home and abroad, mining, rescue ops, health & safety, various types of training and in simple technician work.  As I told my current boss in bylaw work; 'I have no desire to supervise or manage anyone'.

If the Lord is going to expect me to be a ruler, He will need to give me the desire.  

But you know, that principal works in all that we do.  The Lord gave me the desire to know about Him, He gives me the desire to search His Word.  Without His leading I would be a slave of my flesh and wallowing in sin.

Praise God.  

Enjoy the last elements of this beautiful fall weather. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2021


 I was asked to read The Act of Remembrance at a recent Cenotaph re-dedication here on a Sunday evening in September.  My part was small.  Tried to memorize my part but choked on the first line, so made sure I looked down occasionally to stay on track (I had it printed on a small card, that's what is in my hand).  I was privileged to be asked to participate, men (and women) there in person (or on the list of names behind me) who have sacrificed far more than I for this nation.



This is the last picture I have of my younger brother John (I'm the fat guy in the DP t-shirt).  He passed quite too young a few years back.  Miss ya John.  Happy Birthday.

Friday, September 10, 2021


stand fast

 II Chronicles 20:15  And he said, Hearken ye, all Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou king Jehoshaphat, Thus saith the Lord unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God's.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

 Not original to me.  Pastor Matt came up with this as his morning devotional.  Thought it was a powerful reminder during these interesting times.

Lamentations of Jeremiah 3:22 & 23 "It is of the LORD"s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassion's fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness."

The verses behind the song "Great Is Thy Faithfulness".  A great song (I know....LOL).  I can hear it in my head.  

You all have a good day, On Purpose!  

Monday, August 16, 2021


I cannot say that I feel betrayed by the fiasco this last weekend.  I do, to a minor degree understand the feelings of those who served and who now have to wonder what it was all for.

I served in the early years of the 'United Nations Protection Force'.  We gave all kinds of promises (while removing defensive minefields, for 'peace' don't ya know).  Then when the 'chosen' side had enough arms and ammo we (Canadians, I wasn't there by that point in the tours) hid in our bunkers while the chosen side rolled through, to finish up their ethnic cleansing and population relocation.  A few years later we participated in bombing a country that we weren't at war with for, at best, dubious reasons.

All of the soldiers in my two platoons and tours came back alive, some missing parts, some with nightmares that crossed decades.

You could say I was bitter.

By Gods grace I am saved and can now look at it differently.  Praise God.

Doesn't take away from the fact that I feel for those who are in despair for their years of life and the lives of friends changed or ended by what at best was an holding action.

Stay safe today.  

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Internment tomorrow

As a family we are holding off on the funeral until all of the travel restrictions are lifted.  My mom is being interned tomorrow with my dad.  My sister who lives there, and another sister not hindered by the restrictions will be there also.

I cannot be there.  My brother and I tried but equipment shortfalls combined with the restrictions hindered us.  It is too bad.

My father-in-law passed 3 years ago today, same year my other brother passed, this same month.  

So.  Sad day remembering.  Was a bit melancholy.  Watered the lawn.  Went to Church (livestream), hung out with Barb.

It is good.  We always have today.  And today is the day of salvation.

Time to go to bed.   Night.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Dark Humour

 Dark humour is like food (in the old days of the Soviet Union in the Ukraine).  Not everybody gets it.  Funny right?  Well, not to everybody.

Saw this on a Facebook 'humour' site.  Seems some folks were extremely offended.  Other's felt, justifiably so, that it struck far to close to home in our current society.

That was my thoughts.  Of course when reading some of the more sanctimonious comments the statement by Sgt Hulka(?) came to mind.  "lighten up Francis".  

Cruel?  Heartless?  Absolutely.  Someone posted on the link "My wife and I have decided to not have children...  we're going to tell them tonight after supper".

No taste?  To close to home?


Well.  We are coming out of a deep freeze.  Election year in the states to our south (and a good chance of an election here federally).  The...