Monday, October 25, 2021

Firearms Safety

"At a recent major pistol competition, an accident happened. One of the participants, while holstering his gun between strings of fire, got his trigger finger in the wrong place and shot himself in the leg.Think about what your reaction would be if you saw that happen, or if it happened at your club. 

 What assumptions did you make about the shooter and the incident?..."

"As a community, we need to stop treating all accidental discharges as foolish and criminal acts. By placing every accident under the umbrella of sin, we do ourselves a disservice. We lose the chance to examine the details and learn from them. We lump the competitor who made a momentary transgression in with the idiot who’s never learned anything about safe gun handling. Worst of all, we create a mindset that tells us mistakes won’t happen to smart people (meaning, “us”) … which breeds complacency, which breeds more mistakes." 

I posted the above link and the following on Facebook this morning after watching the freak out over Alex Baldwins movie negligence discharge the past week and weekend.  I think I said it all there, except: Rest In Peace Halyna Hutchins.

"I don't care for Alex Baldwin. I have thought he was quite a blowhard (the few times I've heard of him, did I say I wasn't a fan?).

But on this I treat him no different than anyone else. Anyone who handles and fires firearms on a regular basis has made mistakes. Be grateful for the direction your barrel was pointed.
I don't condone it, there should be legal action (someone died!), I don't know the law, but if you run someone over when your vehicle is out of control, from your negligence. You get charged.
Alex was apparently the producer. So he is not only the perpetrator, but also overall responsible for everything that took place.
Will he be held to account? Well. I have no idea. Our society (both countries when it comes to fair application of law to all members) has kinda slipped its bonds the past few years.
RIP to the young lady, and condolences to her family."


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