Friday, May 24, 2019


Quite a bit of talk about this issue the past while.  The left here in Canada and the US to our south are realizing that the narrative is changing.  People no longer believe that the child in the womb is just a clump of cells.  That by giving it 'un-human' sounding names ie: zygote, fetus, doesn't take away its humanity.  And of course, if it is human, what 'human rights' does he or she hold.
They're (the pro-choicer's) quite upset naturally because they have allowed themselves to be pushed into an indefensible (with logic anyways) position.  In other words, by passing legislation in Virginia (and Canada for that matter), that allow a woman to decide to terminate her offspring right up to the point of birth (and in Virginia's case, maybe even after), how can they say they are for protecting the life of children.  Children who successfully escape the womb have rights?  Five minutes prior: no rights?....
The pro-life side must take care also.  There are cases where medical authorities may have to make a triage decision to 'save the life that can be saved'.
I hold to life, in all cases I lean to life.  I fully understand that people die, having been training as a emergency responder, mine rescue, fire, soldier etc.  I know, that decisions have to be made.  Sometimes, not everyone lives. 
Hopefully calmer heads will prevail.  I have my doubts however, the pro-abortion side has pushed so hard, the pro-life side is (righteously so) pushing back.  Politicians are making hay.
The wisdom of Solomon is required, where to find it?    js


Well.  We are coming out of a deep freeze.  Election year in the states to our south (and a good chance of an election here federally).  The...