Monday, January 24, 2022

Been Sick

Came down with what seemed like a flu bug on the 13th.  It held me in its grip until pretty much Saturday.  Yesterday and today I am just tired.   Longest flu I've ever had, went through all of the 'flu-like' symptoms (I won't go into the gory details, lets just say I had them all).

Hopefully it is done with.  I didn't go get a C-19 test as honestly I cannot see the point.  If it was covid type flu then I'm through it, good.  If it wasn't covid, so what?  You get sick you stay home.  For the life of me I cannot see the fear mongering and push for people to self-test.  What exactly are you accomplishing by 'knowing' (and even that is questionable, as it only shows you have the c-19 strain, not that you 'have' c-19) that your sickness was covid?

Look, I understand with the travel restrictions, you may not be able to fly if you have a positive test.  So, why get the test?  It strikes me as an almost religious zeal to show how righteous you are.  The latest is that you are somehow 'selfish' if you choose not to get the shots, or don't wish to share your personal medical information.  It almost reeks of desperation.

I know, there are many who would disagree with me.  You do you.  You think you should have the latest booster or whatever, do so.  You think you're good, good for you.

Well, it doesn't matter.  If you're sick, stay home. 

Saturday, January 15, 2022


The Book of Proverbs is known in many Christian circles as The Book of Wisdom.  Proverbs was written by inspiration of the Lord through King Solomon to his son(s).   A man recording lessons learned for the next generation(s).  If you have read the Old Testament, The 1st Book of Kings Chapter 3 verses 5 through 12, states that God "I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so that there was none like thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee."

The Holy Bible states that Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived.  Accepting the fact those who believe not may question this, but a slight reminder.  The Israel of ancient times is well supported by the archeological findings.

This section of The Word is followed by one of the most well-known sections, verses 16 through 27, the decision to divide the child between the two women.  The woman were harlots (would have been outcasts in the society outside of their method of providing for themselves).  They both were new mothers and one child had died in the night.  This is followed by the bold statement in Chapter 4 verse 29 "And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore."  I am sure all who read this are aware of his decision to root out who was the mother.  If not, read I Kings 3:16-27;

The first couple of Chapters of Kings cover the early years of Solomon's reign as king of the joint nation of Judah and Israel, he acted on this wisdom.  Even the Queen of Sheba is related as traveling to Jerusalem to seek out this knowledge.

We see in the last Chapter covering his life and kingship (Chapter 11) that he was tripped up by his physical desires / lusts or even just his political decisions (marriage historically is a political decision at this level of international relations).  "But king Solomon loved many strange women", "For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods:"  He turned away from God. 

Rehoboam took over from Solomon as king, first of Judah and Israel, but quickly the nation descended into civil war.  Ending with the separation of Israel under Jeroboam (a son of Nabat, a servant of Solomon) in an alliance with Egypt who "lifted up his hand against the king." 

The wisest man who ever lived.  Left his nation over to a vain young man, with his household in open rebellion.  How can this be?

Well, we can learn from another king, when Saul forgot how little he was, he turned against God, who had given him the kingdom (1st Samuel 15:17) and now gave it to David.  Saul turned away from God, unrepentively, and God turned away from Saul.  Note that David greiviously sinned against God, but was repentive.  The results of his sin(s) did not go away however.

Many principals The Word lays out for us.  That we can chose to follow or ignore.  The words of a book Proverbs, authored by God but the penmanship was of a father to his son, is I believe, one of the most important books in the Bible for us and our interaction with this world.

Proverbs 4:5  Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth.  

4:7  Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.  

16:16  How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!  

17:16  Wherefore is there a price in the hand of a fool to get wisdom, seeing he hath no heart to it?

A wise man, who ignored or forgot the wisdom he had, lured by the delights of this world.  Yet, to his claim is the books that he surrendered to the heavenly Father and penned.

Have a great day, On Purpose!

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The Old Cow Man

 I rode across a valley range
I hadn't seen for years.
The trail was all so spoilt and strange
It nearly fetched the tears.
I had to let ten fences down
(The fussy lanes ran wrong)
And each new line would make me frown
And hum a mournin' song.

Oh, it's squeak! squeak! squeak!
Hear 'em stretchin' of the wire!
The nester brand is on the land;
I reckon I'll retire,
While progress toots her brassy horn
And makes her motor buzz,
I thank the Lord I wasn't born
No later than I was. 

'Twas good to live when all the sod,
Without no fence or fuss,
Belonged in partnership to God,
The Gover'ment and us.
With skyline bounds from east to west
And room to go and come,
I loved my fellow man the best
When he was scattered some. 

Oh, it's squeak! squeak! squeak!
Close and closer cramps the wire.
There's hardly any place to back away
And call a man a liar.
Their house has locks on every door;
Their land is in a crate.
These ain't the plains of God no more,
They're only real estate. 

There's land where yet no ditchers dig
Nor cranks experiment;
It's only lovely, free and big
And isn't worth a cent.
I pray that them who come to spoil
May wait till I am dead
Before they foul that blessed soil
With fence and cabbage head. 

Yet it's squeak! squeak! squeak!
Far and farther crawls the wire.
To crowd and pinch another inch
Is all their heart's desire.
The word is overstocked with men
And some will see the day
When each must keep his little pen,
But I'll be far away. 

When my old soul hunts range and rest
Beyond the last divide,
Just plant me in some stretch of West
That's sunny, lone and wide.
Let cattle rub my tombstone down
And coyotes mourn their kin,
Let hawses paw and tromp the moun'
But don't you fence it in! 

Oh it's squeak! squeak! squeak!
And they pen the land with wire.
They figure fence and copper cents
Where we laughed 'round the fire.
Job cussed his birthday, night and morn,
In his old land of Uz,
But I'm just glad I wasn't born
no later than I was!

Badger Clark Jr.

Monday, January 10, 2022


 Over the years (I have been saved over two decades) I have seen several different versions of this acrostic (I think that is correct word).

I have seen one or two versions that I believe are bordering on hearsay or unbiblical.  There are others, that though they don't line up completely with this version, I think just have the emphasis at different points.

It is a simple way to decide or demonstrate where you stand.  It uses Baptist as its word, but the meaning is Christian.

I prefer this version best, as I believe it is in order, from higher to lessor (though not of any less importance in the Christian walk).

B - Biblical Authority: our final authority in deciding any matter is the Holy Bible (in the English language preserved through the Authorized Version, sometimes known as the King James).

A - Autonomy of the Local Church: each Church family is solely a self authorizing organization accountable to Jesus Christ alone.  No bishops, popes, conventions have the right to dictate to a local body of believers.  This does not exclude alliances for Christian works, missions etc, but these must be monitored Biblically to ensure the Church is not drawn into an unholy relationship.

P - Priesthood of Believers: every Christian is a priest, free to approach God directly through the work of the Chief Priest Jesus Christ.  There is no need to go through any man/woman to approach God.  No popes, no confessionals staffed by a man.

T - Two Church Offices: the local body of believers is governed by two offices only.  Pastors and Deacons.  Pastors are chosen by God and accepted by the Church family, to act as shepherds following the Over Shepherd Jesus Christ ("follow me as I follow Christ").  Deacons are chosen from within the Church family to act a servants to the body ("it is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables").  Note: this does not stop a Church body from appointing staff (secretaries, administrative etc) but those are not scripturally outlined and at no time supersede the biblical positions.  All Church staff should follow as applicable the pastoral epistles in regards to Church leadership (i.e. no divorcees in Sunday school class teachers or Trusties governing buildings etc).

I - Individual Soul Liberty: each believer is solely accountable to Jesus Christ for how their understand and live out the Christian life.  No one can claim at the Bema Seat Judgement that they were following direction of some man/woman/order.  Every Christian needs to search the Scriptures to see if it is so.  To challenge the spirits.  This does not preclude seeking Biblical advice, yet the individual is responsible for their steps.

S - Saved, baptized Church membership: to be a member of a local body of believers, you must be saved.  The first step of obedience to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is baptism by immersion.  A believer cannot be a legitimate member of a Church unless baptized (though this would not effect their salvation), and a person to whom someone has 'baptized' (infant baptism or such like) but who does not have a personal belief nor been saved by their knowledge of Jesus Christ cannot be a legitimate member of a Church of believers.

T - Two Church Ordinances: the local Church is commanded by Jesus Christ to be baptized by immersion after belief.  Also, for the body of believers is the Lords Supper to be a remembrance of what has been done.

S - Separation of Church and State: the government has no say in how a Church body of believers administrates or seeks out their worship, part and parcel, no Church body dictates to a government how they are to govern.  No State Churches.  Government stops before the pulpit.

Each one of these could fill reams of paper going into the fine details with the supporting Biblical references.  Many folks died so that these principals could be passed down to us.  

I hope this was of some use.  Have a great day!  Serve God.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Happy New Year

 Day late and a dollar short.  Got busy.  House is quiet again.  Was a blessing of a holiday period.  Was able to follow the rules and gather together as a family.  Truly blessed.


Well.  We are coming out of a deep freeze.  Election year in the states to our south (and a good chance of an election here federally).  The...