Friday, December 9, 2022

Captain (acting) Edward Stephen Fogarty Fegen VC 5 November 1940

 I'm not much of a poetry person.  I am sharing this as a opener to a man I just recently read about.  He did his duty, he lead his crew (and they fought for him and country).  Courageous men.


In memory of HMS Jervis Bay

R. David Burns


On the fifth of November and convoy near forty

slow moving and scattered, no escorts to call,

a liner, a steamer, Jervis Bay, you recall

not armoured, light gun, no challenge at all,

sea was quite rough and light cloudy sky

masthead shouts "Smoke, port beam, there a nigh"

Captain Fegen now sensing a serious plight

of forty slow children, their chances are slight

For the Hun's fast cruiser the Admiral Scheer

is reported in region and dangerously near

will make short meal, with its twenty mile gun

this surely must be a win for the Hun!

"Tis not well today, just listen, my crew

There's one thing only and that we must do.

We'll challenge that monster in spite of her power,

that convoy is his if we fail at this hour.

Give me steam, speed and smoke, immediate I say

we'll make him take notice of our ship here today"

'Put a light at the masthead and he will say, ''Well.

This ship means business there's more it must tell

she may be a kind of small surface raider

But I'll soon put an end to this impudent stranger ".

"You Convoy scatter, as fast as you can,

stay clear of my bow, I'm full speed to a man


Thus spoke Captain Fegen of Jervis the Bay

as he turned the old ship to the path of the Scheer

the crew understood first blast must be near

but not a man flinched, their duty was clear

men down below and men up on deck

will fight to the death with that fast growing speck

The engines of Jervis just roared and shook

but eighteen� knots was not in the book

then all at once the punishment came

a shattering crash that shook her old frame,

Her uppers and bridge though torn might still stay

but that won't finish Old Jervis that day

Her engines roared still, onward she pressed

no shot nor shell had stopped to arrest

her hull held intact just thirty shots more,

and flames up on deck then started to roar.

Slowly, more slowly old Jervis came to

Ship, Captain, Seamen done all they could do.

At last and too late the Hun cruiser turned

to seek the convoy it'd earlier� spurned

but the darkening night had closed right in

and the convoy dispersed so Fegen's great win

saved thirty five ships, three thousand men.

Mere couple of ships was all Scheer's gain

Brave Captain Fegen's, Warrior Crew

achieved a win, so rare with so few

'cause of his shorter range guns, so cruel,

was unable to fire in defense in this duel

But Lo, there's more on this saga that night

A Swedish brave Captain returned to the site

While Jervis still burning, and burning bright

Plucked sixty five men of Jervis's crew

from a seaman�s death, lonely, and few.

As for their Captain like Nelson we're told

died at this moment of triumph, so bold

had committed himself to country and God

Now all of you mothers, fathers and sons

of a crew in that smaller ship that night

be proud, so proud, how bravely to fight

in a battle so hopeless, seemed at first sight

that all would be lost under cold oceans spray

But instead it was won by that proud Jervis Bay

What did the Hun High Command just say

in talk of th' escape of this convoy prey?

Was it caused by a big armed ship? But nay

T�was captain and crew of our Jervis Bay.

No matter, what history it reports today,

their glory will stay on my walls for aye .


My Father, Lieutenant Wallace Burns, had met Captain Fegen at some time before the sinking of his ship, and his loss hit my Father very hard. If this note and poem serves as any compensation for those in the family lines of Captain and Crew, I will be very pleased.

R. David Burns,413 Palmetto Drive, Greer South Carolina 29651"


He and his crew were basically on a 'liner', a freight/passenger ship.  Up against an actual cruiser, a 'pocket battleship'.  

The following is from the attached link:

"History of HMS JERVIS BAY.
The HMS Jervis Bay was built originally as a passenger ship; its purpose, to carry emigrants to Australia. With WWII beaconing, it was taken over by the Admiralty in August 1939. She was fitted with seven 6-inch guns, dating from the turn of the century, which were distributed around her decks and was repainted grey. Now, lightly armed and riding high in the water, her crew would refer to her as so many other such refurbished ships, as an “Admiralty-made coffin.”.

Her role was designated as that of an ocean escort ship, to guard Atlantic convoys. The British Admiralty were well aware that Germany in the First World War, had frequently employed armed liners, for raiding allied ships and in the Second World War, against such similar liners the HMS Jervis Bay would have had an equal chance of a successful defence, but was no match against an armoured ship.

On the November 5th 1940 in the Atlantic, Captain Fogarty Fegen, was commanding the HMS Jervis Bay, while escorting 38 merchantmen, when they were attacked by the German Pocket Battleship ‘Admiral Scheer‘, commanded by Admiral Captain Theodor Krancke; latter commanding all German naval forces in Western Europe.


The Admiral Scheer was a Deutschland-class heavy cruiser (often termed a pocket battleship) which served with the Kriegsmarine (War Navy) of Nazi Germany, during World War II. [The vessel was named after Admiral Reinhard Scheer, German commander in the Battle of Jutland.]
She was built at the Reichsmarinewerft shipyard in Wilhelmshaven, in June 1931 and was completed by November 1934. Originally classified as an armoured ship (Panzerschiff) by the Reichsmarine, in February 1940 the Germans reclassified the remaining two other ships of this class as ‘heavy cruisers’.

The ‘Admiral Scheer’ had slipped through the Denmark Strait and into the open Atlantic on the night of October 31st, on her first combat offensive of WWII. Now hunting in the North Atlantic, her radio intercept equipment quickly identified convoy HX-84, as being in the surrounding sea area. An on board seaplane (Heinkel He 60) launched from a catapult on the ‘Admiral Scheer’, eventually located the HX-84 convoy on the morning of November 5th, some 144 km, (90 mls) from their then North Atlantic position.

Sometime in the late afternoon a lookout on board the ‘SS Rangitiki’, latter the tallest of the convoy ships, observed the mast of the Admiral Scheer on the horizon. At about 4:45pm Capt. Fogarty Fegen sounded action stations and began accelerating his ship out of its convoy position; to head toward the Admiral Scheer, firing the ship’s 6-inch guns, while aware he was well out of range of the enemy craft.

It was only Admiral Scheer’s third salvo that struck the Jervis Bay’s bridge, knocking out her rangefinder, wireless, and fire-control equipment, while also killing several officers and crewmen in the blast. Captain Fegen’s left arm was very badly injured in the strike.

Darkness was falling as Admiral Krancke continued to train his big guns on the Jervis Bay, with each salvo launching two and a half tons of ordnance at the stricken vessel. Admiral Krancke knew he needed to quickly sink Jervis Bay in order that he would have sufficient time to attack the rest of the convoy.

However, Jervis Bay continued steaming towards Admiral Scheer while firing her guns, until her steering gear was knocked out. Nevertheless, the heroic actions of the Jervis Bay had now saved most of the convoy, but Capt. Fegen’s actions would cost him his life and that of his ship.

With Captain Fegen now dead, Lt. Cmdr. George Roe, in assumed command, ordered the remaining crew members to abandon ship. Most of the surviving Jervis Bay crew simply jumped into the icy, sub-Arctic sea, some making it to existing rafts, while others made do with what debris they could find floating on the water’s surface.

Captain Olander of the Stureholm, impressed by the courage shown by Captain Fegen and Jervis Bay, called his ship’s crew together and proposed they return to the scene to search for possible survivors. The crew of this Swedish ship agreed, and the freighter returned to the battle scene, where it was able to pull just 68 men of Jervis Bay’s crew (of the 266 man crew) from the freezing sea, (three of same died after being rescued and were buried at sea that night).

Stureholm then returned to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, considering it the safer of two options; arriving back there on November 12th.

The remaining 38 ships of the convoy, which had taken advantage of the time the Jervis Bay had bought for them, had scattered. With Jervis Bay sunk the ‘Admiral Scheer’ continued in search of the now scattered convoy ships managed to sink only five of them.

Note: – Names of Officers of ‘H.M.S. Jervis Bay’, are hereunder coloured in Purple denoting those known ‘Killed’, while names coloured in Red denote those as ‘Missing, Presumed Killed’.
Back row left to rightGunner E.R. Stannard, Lieut. Richard Shackleton, Surgeon-Lieut. H.St.J. Hiley, Paymaster Lieut. A.W. Stott, Lieut. Hugh Williamson (chief radio officer), Lieut. A.H.W. Bartle, Lieut. Norman E. Wood, Lieut. Walter Hill, Lieut.-Commdr. George L. Roe, Lieut. H.G.B. Moss, Paymaster Lieut. J.G. Sargeant.
Middle row left to rightPaymaster Commdr. E.W. White, Lieut. Commdr. K.M. Morrison, Commdr. J.A.P. Blackburn, D.S.C., Capt. E.S. Fogarty Fegen , V.C., Engineer Commdr. J.H.G. Chappell, Lieut. Commdr. A.W. Driscoll.
Front rowleft to right – Wireless Operator Donald Curry, Midshn. Owens, Midshn. Ronald A.G. Butler, Midshn. C.C.T. Latch, Midshn. W.B. Thistleton.Other senior officers of the vessel, including Surgeon Lieut. Commdr. T.G. Evans, Lieut. Dudlet J.H. Bigg, and Sub-Lt. Guy Byam-Corstiaens,


In one of Winston Churchill’s War Time Speeches entitled. “Forward, Till the Whole Task is Done”,communicated on May 13th, 1945. he states: –
“When I think of these days I think also of other episodes and personalities. I think of Lieutenant-Commander Esmonde, VC, or Lance-Corporal Connally, VC, and Captain Fegen, VC, and other Irish heroes that I could easily recite, and then I must confess that bitterness by Britain against the Irish race dies in my heart.”


The war ended for the Admiral Scheer in April 1945, when she was capsized in about 50 feet of water during a 300-plane air raid at Kiel harbour, on the southwestern coast of the Baltic Sea.

Captain Edward Stephen Fogarty Fegen was recommended for the Victoria Cross by Britain’s King George VI, who was said to be “stirred deeply” by Fegen’s sacrifice. “When [Captain Fegen] attacked by the Admiral Scheer,” wrote King George VI in his diary, “he knew he was going to certain death.” The medal was awarded to Fegen’s sister, Miss M.C. Fegen, by His Majesty King George VI, at an investiture at Buckingham Palace, in June of 1941.

A citation for Capt. Fegen’s Victoria Cross was published in the London Gazette on November 22nd 1940.

It read: – “The King has been graciously pleased to approve the award of the Victoria Cross to the late Commander (acting Captain) Edward Stephen Fogarty Fegen, Royal Navy, for valour in challenging hopeless odds and giving his life to save the many ships it was his duty to protect”.


 Memorials can be found to Captain Edward Stephen Fogarty Fegen at; Chatham Naval Memorial, Chatham, Kent, UK (Marker: 34. 1); on a sundial, at Hamilton, Bermuda; on a 4 meter high Column in the Hospital grounds at St John, New Brunswick, Canada, the Seaman’s Institute, Wellington, New Zealand and on a little known Naval Memorial headstone the walled-in old graveyard, beside the ivy covered, ancient ruins of a Church in Drom, Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. His body was lost at sea never to be located and thus he remains listed as ‘Missing, Presumed Killed’."

The only words I can say is "they did their duty".

Saturday, November 12, 2022


Yesterday was Remembrance Day here (was called Armistice Day at one time long past).  For some reason even this day can be controversial.  There are some who argue that the day is to remember those who lost their lives, others who claim that it is a day to honor those who served.  Even some who argue (quite convincingly though I disagree) that it should be a general holiday...

My thoughts?

I served so folks could do what they wished.  In school it should be a day of remembrance, an opportunity to teach a little bit of history, like any other important day in our nations history.  Not 'pro' or 'anti' war, just a recollection of men (though primarily, there were also women) who stepped up (some forced, remember conscription, but they didn't run to Canada) and served. 

There is a saying which I do agree with to some degree: "Some gave a little, some gave all".

Anyone who signed up, was conscripted, or just ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time served.

Hence: Remembrance Day.  The soldiers, sailors, airmen that we never knew, who died in horrifying conditions, in mud, water or night skies.  The man that marched towards 'ground center' during nuclear tests who died from some unexpected cancer decades later.  The person who stood guard over some none de-script location, day after day, for months.

The person who trained and then spent years viewing a screen, watching for a threat that (praise God) never materialized.  The soldier who trained hard, missed birthdays, girlfriends, opportunities, family gatherings but never left Canada.The hockey coach, scout leader, swim coach who spent hours and days helping some young person achieve something, anything.

The (primarily) women who kept the family running at home, fearing a knock on the door...

The kids who grew up without (primarily) dad at home.  And of course (now to a smaller degree becoming common) missing their mom.

All who served.  We all have someone to remember.  The moment of silence is to remember the lost, and respect to those who have lost, or are being silent in remembrance. 

It doesn't have to be one day, one hour, one moment, once a year.  I try to remember every day.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

our far-flung battle line...


God of our fathers, known of old,
  Lord of our far-flung battle line,
Beneath whose awful hand we hold
  Dominion over palm and pine —
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!

The tumult and the shouting dies;
  The Captains and the Kings depart:
Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice,
  An humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!

Far-called, our navies melt away;
  On dune and headland sinks the fire:
Lo, all our pomp of yesterday
  Is one with Nineveh and Tyre!
Judge of the Nations, spare us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!

If, drunk with sight of power, we loose
  Wild tongues that have not Thee in awe,
Such boastings as the Gentiles use,
  Or lesser breeds without the Law—
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!

For heathen heart that puts her trust
  In reeking tube and iron shard,
All valiant dust that builds on dust,
  And, guarding, calls not Thee to guard;
For frantic boast and foolish word—
Thy Mercy on Thy People, Lord!

Rudyard Kipling 


Wednesday, August 31, 2022

That's not how its done...

 In case time erases the link.  It is of a young lady 'playing' with a semi-auto pistol.  She almost blows her own head off.  Careless, stupid.  She should purchase a lottery ticket...

Monday, August 1, 2022

 A couple of months since I have spoken on here.  Been fairly busy with my new position.  We did go to the Morris Stampede last weekend.  Spent most of our time in the rodeo grounds, also stepped out to watch the Manitoba Mounted Firearms guys (and gals).  Was pretty impressive.  The bell at the end is a kind of neglected point in the village of Rosebank.  I thought it was much older, nope, just overgrown.  Folks get busy I guess.  The other picture is just south of Highway 1 heading south from St. Francois Xavier.  Very flat.  I like Manitoba.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022


 and tired a lot lately.  Reading The Word, weather has been kinda cool until today.  Flooding, but not too bad.  Work has started to pick up.  New job on horizon.  Barb has been sick.  Grand-kids are growing, and priceless.  Finished Mom's estate, waiting for tax man.  Haven't been to the range in a while (cold and now wet so road is mushy).  

Life is good.  God is in control.  I am content.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022


Jeremiah 3:25 We lie down in our shame, and our confusion covereth us: for we have sinned against the LORD our God, we and our fathers, from our youth even unto this day, and have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God. 

Why is humiliation hiding in the Christians life?  I look into my Bible and I see that all of our sin is a disgrace to our Lord.  "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:" (Genesis 1:26(a)

We are made in the actual image of God.  Understanding that the original created human has suffered by the fall.  The image is still there.  Satan hates God.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

New job

 Took on a new position.  Will be a little more busy.  So my already sporadic posting may decrease.  It has been truly interesting to see the comments on my social media links that involve retired and serving soldiers.  More interest in things of the Lord and His Word.

Pray I always have time for this and not get distracted into the weeds of cares of this world.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Stay out of current politics... why?

 I like to study history.  I was a soldier for coming on twenty five years, a cadet, then an infantryman.  Absolutely loved and hated it, at the same time.  Which I am sure any infantryman would fully understand.

Had the fortune, or misfortune depending on how you look at it I guess, of having lived through a couple of events that will end up in the obscure corners of history books.  I'm not famous, no hero, didn't do anything 'great'.  Just happened to serve along side some great men.  Fortunate.

I put my trust and faith in Jesus Christ my last year serving.  I was posted outside of an infantry unit my last couple of years.  My last tour was as the Operations Officer and Senior Instructor for a para-military unit in Canada's north (this post is not about them, I'm sure you can find out who they are).  It was a very challenging position, and quite an education.

I believe the Lord was very patient with me over my life.  I read of folks who turn down His saving grace and that's it.  They're done.  But the Lord worked on me for quite some period of time, before I recognized my actual state as a helpless sinner.  A sinner who was in need of the work completed by His Son at Calvary.  I am reminded by the life of King David, who was outrageous in his turn to sin, and yet still confessed turned back and sought His Lord.  Please, I am not claiming to be as great as such.  Yet I firmly believe that our Bible gives us examples no matter how low in our statue or high that we can emulate in our Christian walk.  Davids fall and recovery is one.

I find that when I read through my Bible, the parts I personally enjoy the most are the history books.  I know from others testimony that some like the poetry books, some like the prophecy.  For me, history.  I look at the world I am living in as walking through a history lesson.  I must always remind my self.  That other's don't think as such, and may miss things I find relevant, just as they cannot understand my apparent or real lack of empathy for what they see.

So why no politics?  Simple.  The thing about history and the study of same, is we are looking back.  As time passes, we can either get more information as to what happened (i.e. release of the Soviet archives) or even less information (the destruction of great libraries by thugs and barbarians, or governments who hold onto archival information for multiple decades or even - rarely - destroy it).  Politics is current, it happens around us, we are looking forward, and as a result what we actually know about the past reporting; is usually extremely inaccurate.  

People lie, even Christians inflate their actions, we are sinners.  Also, though hard to understand, people have incomplete memories or even cases where they feel so strongly on something, that becomes a "truth" to them, though provably false.  This is very much something pushed in our current times "my truth - your truth".  A great trick of Satan to keep us divided and away from the truth.  Sometimes even the truth can be a lie (if told in a manner to deceive or mislead).  It is our job as Christians to stand by the truth, and yet remember that these unsaved folks are not our enemies.

This has been common in every ruling class throughout history.  Some will even try to justify it by the Bible passages that allow deceptive practices during war.  There have been some leaders that have been honest, but I am pretty sure we could count them up on two hands, and the ones who were not overthrown or assassinated on one hand...

Even as we live through things, we have a distorted view of what is actually going on.  It doesn't mean that what we see is inaccurate, just maybe not enough information to fully explain the event.  And of course, then you run into those who gain power by the misinformation or attempt to discredit (the supposed contradictions of the four Gospels anyone?).

So, though I don't care of the politician who (supposedly) wrote it, the title to the book 'Living History' always kind of lines up with my view.  And because the history that we are living through, has not been reviewed, archived and studied.  We, like when we were standing near some historical event, may be missing a large part of the actual story.

Praise God for His patience with me, prior to salvation and since.  

Years I spend in vanity and pride
Caring not my Lord was crucified
Knowing not it was for me He died
On Calvary
Mercy there was great and grace was free
Pardon there was multiplied to me
There my burdened soul found liberty
At Calvary
By Gods words at last my sin I learned
Then I tremble at the law I'd spurned
Till my guilty soul imploring turned
To Calvary
O the love that drew salvation's plan
O the grace that brought it down to man
O the mighty gulf that God did span
At Calvary
Mercy there was great and grace was free
Pardon there was multiplied to me
There my burdened soul found liberty
At Calvary
Oh and now I've given to Jesus everything
Now I gladly own Him as my King
Now my raptured soul can only sing
Of Calvary
Mercy there was great and grace was free
Pardon there was multiplied to me
There my burdened soul found liberty
At Calvary
Mercy there was great and grace was free
At Calvary

Friday, March 11, 2022

Telegenic Charismatic Leaders


Am I the only one who feels like I need to check my wallet when I run into or see one of these types on the video?  I prefer not to make our leaders or other countries into hero's.  They always fall short.

The latest, Ukraine fellow, makes me think of the fellow from the "Left Behind" movies from the early aughts.

Is it just me (of course you must take into account the photo above is designed to give the game away, in the movie, he could be quite charming)?

And doubly, I realize, that he is the current flavour of the month.  So there are some, who may be triggered into anger just by this question being asked.  My only question to them and you is, is there a similarity?

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

False prophets and delusions

Matthew 24:24  For there shall arise false Christs, and false proplhets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect.

Mark 13:22  For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

Isaiah 66:4  I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did eveil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.

2 Thessalonians 2:11  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Crazy Week


How to describe this week.  A week ago we were in apoplexy about our PM putting the country in some kind of overreach lockdown.  Seizing bank accounts, going after enemies of the state.  By Wednesday that was all shut down and Canada is all peace love again.  Thursday Russia invades Ukraine.  No one really knows what is going on yet, but the propaganda is glorious.  

The same people who saw the media mislead the past few months and years are all in now.  "It is all true."

Our Lord says in Isaiah 66:4 "I will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not."

We also know that the Lord hardened Pharaohs heart, even when he knew he was in the wrong, he doubled down to go after the Israelites.

II Thessalonians 2:11 "And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie."

People who are on this side of the rapture still have time to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as their saviour.  But once the saved and dead rise.  The Holy Spirit will be gone as a Satan suppressing presence.  He and he minions will have free reign, those left behind will fall into the most base element.  It will not be a good time to be alive.  Satan is the father of lies.

I will sit and think of all of this, search out the Scriptures references and write something up.  In the mean time, please know, ye must be born again.  Night.

(the picture is a google earth shot of Barb and I while traveling north towards Swift Current in August 2014).

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Melt Down

It is my hope to stay out of politics on this blog.  For some reason, our nations response to the C-19 threat has been turned into a political circus.  With some on both sides running around claiming to 'follow the science'.  Pretty apparent to me that most of the science presented is groomed to support whatever result is requested prior.

The government has declared the Emergency Measures Act in force, designed for use against insurrection and or invasion, against a moderate amount of trucks idling in downtown Ottawa.  There were some slow downs and even for a couple days some blockages on a bridge and two border crossings, which the police onsite cleared with no violence.

Our leadership (elected) who should be making every attempt to unite our nation, instead seem hell-bent to burn it all down.

It is not the first time those in leadership have lost control of the narrative and panicked in human history.

First time for my nation.  

Pray for our nation.  Pray for our elected leadership.  Pray for those in positions of influence.  Pray for those who have been living in fear for the past couple of years.  Pray for the people of Canada.

God bless.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Isaiah 46

8.  Remember this, and shew yourselves men: bring it again to mind, O ye transgressors.

9.  Remember the former things of old: for I am god, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,

12.  Hearken unto me, ye stouthearted, that are far from righteousness:

13. I bring near my righteousness; it shall not be far off, and my salvation shall not tarry: and I will place salvation in Zion for Israel my glory.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

A week

 Well.  It has been a very interesting week.

Found this picture from a group of pics, taken by a professional photographer in the city of Toronto earlier this week.  Are the truck fellows going to make a difference?  Is the government overreach going to back off?

Well I have no crystal ball.

The only thing I can see, from my reading of history.  Is there is a chance of our politicians and governing types to get in front of this and become hero's.  Absolutely, some are trying.  Unfortunately, I don't see it succeeding.

So far they (governing authorities) are doubling down, going all in on attempts to mislead, mislabel, verbally attack and maybe even use their policing agencies to take firmer steps.  We have seen corporate media step in with support, i.e. FB and other social media types blocking or suppressing posts and of course GoFundMe trying to rip off a few million bucks.

My fear is (though as a Bible believing Christian I have no fear in this, a phrase of expression is being used) that our governing class will try to push all of this under the rug, ignore it and eventually move on to the next restriction or burden on the underclass of our society.

And you know what?  They will get away with it, for awhile.

These kind of things (when you read history you can learn a lot, it doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme) have a tendency, when suppressed to fester.  You ignore the peaceful suggestion from your dogs growl to back off, over and over and eventually you get bit.  Usually much worse than expected by the history of your interactions with your puppy.

Crowds and populations can be the same.

And here's the other thing, reasonable people start the push back, but over time, fanatics take over.

All that aside, I know how the Book ends.  God is in control.  We are to be salt and light.  People on this earth are not my enemies, only Satan, and I only push back at him, as did the angel Michael, with the Word of God.

Pray for wisdom for our elected and appointed leaders and those in positions of power and influence.

Have a great day folks.  Stay strong.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Convoys and Reactions

Well as stated, I try to avoid politics.  This convoy for freedom stuff involves people I know and family.  Plus the military community I once served and stay in touch with.

The reaction by some has been completely over the top (I am not going to comment on the government reaction excepting to say that the former premier of NFLD is suing the government over what he says are violations of Canadians Human Rights, being one of the only still living signers of the Constitution and Charter of Rights, I will just leave that there).

I went and looked myself (both in person and online) and saw a cross-section of working class Canadians, of all colours, make ups and creeds.  More flags than I have ever seen.  Made me proud of my country.

What I don't understand is the reaction of folks that normally would not trust the media or government to tell the complete truth.  I mean, you can see the video of average Canadians and working families of all shapes, colours and sizes involved, yet some are saying it is a "racist" and "marginal" movement.

Ex-military folks completely triggered by the term "freedom", "convoy" or "warrior" being used.  Its not like any of the protests of the past couple of years those terms have not been used (well, in the case of convoy anyone over 50 remembers the song and CB radios).  Canadian military folks.  Normally well aware of the history of our governmental parties and media have treated and maligned groups of soldiers  and minorities in the past.  It is not exactly a new feature for the military to be tossed aside in Canada when their usefulness has been expended.

Why is it?  Why the overreaction?  Well, one can wonder if maybe it is because the vaccines are not working.  I mean, it is pretty obvious.  The variants have spread everywhere, the countries with the highest vax rates and restrictions are doing the worst (not that anyone is doing that well, but when you keep doing the same thing expecting a different result...?).  

Everybody stepped up to take them with the understanding that when we reached whatever number 70-80-90% (the ever sliding bar) we would be free and get back to our lives.  Of course it hasn't happened.  I don't think it will ever happen.  C-19 variants are here to stay.  But it doesn't explain the anger.  

Not sure if I know why.   Have a great day, On Purpose.

God is in control. 

Monday, January 24, 2022

Been Sick

Came down with what seemed like a flu bug on the 13th.  It held me in its grip until pretty much Saturday.  Yesterday and today I am just tired.   Longest flu I've ever had, went through all of the 'flu-like' symptoms (I won't go into the gory details, lets just say I had them all).

Hopefully it is done with.  I didn't go get a C-19 test as honestly I cannot see the point.  If it was covid type flu then I'm through it, good.  If it wasn't covid, so what?  You get sick you stay home.  For the life of me I cannot see the fear mongering and push for people to self-test.  What exactly are you accomplishing by 'knowing' (and even that is questionable, as it only shows you have the c-19 strain, not that you 'have' c-19) that your sickness was covid?

Look, I understand with the travel restrictions, you may not be able to fly if you have a positive test.  So, why get the test?  It strikes me as an almost religious zeal to show how righteous you are.  The latest is that you are somehow 'selfish' if you choose not to get the shots, or don't wish to share your personal medical information.  It almost reeks of desperation.

I know, there are many who would disagree with me.  You do you.  You think you should have the latest booster or whatever, do so.  You think you're good, good for you.

Well, it doesn't matter.  If you're sick, stay home. 

Saturday, January 15, 2022


The Book of Proverbs is known in many Christian circles as The Book of Wisdom.  Proverbs was written by inspiration of the Lord through King Solomon to his son(s).   A man recording lessons learned for the next generation(s).  If you have read the Old Testament, The 1st Book of Kings Chapter 3 verses 5 through 12, states that God "I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so that there was none like thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee."

The Holy Bible states that Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived.  Accepting the fact those who believe not may question this, but a slight reminder.  The Israel of ancient times is well supported by the archeological findings.

This section of The Word is followed by one of the most well-known sections, verses 16 through 27, the decision to divide the child between the two women.  The woman were harlots (would have been outcasts in the society outside of their method of providing for themselves).  They both were new mothers and one child had died in the night.  This is followed by the bold statement in Chapter 4 verse 29 "And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore."  I am sure all who read this are aware of his decision to root out who was the mother.  If not, read I Kings 3:16-27;

The first couple of Chapters of Kings cover the early years of Solomon's reign as king of the joint nation of Judah and Israel, he acted on this wisdom.  Even the Queen of Sheba is related as traveling to Jerusalem to seek out this knowledge.

We see in the last Chapter covering his life and kingship (Chapter 11) that he was tripped up by his physical desires / lusts or even just his political decisions (marriage historically is a political decision at this level of international relations).  "But king Solomon loved many strange women", "For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods:"  He turned away from God. 

Rehoboam took over from Solomon as king, first of Judah and Israel, but quickly the nation descended into civil war.  Ending with the separation of Israel under Jeroboam (a son of Nabat, a servant of Solomon) in an alliance with Egypt who "lifted up his hand against the king." 

The wisest man who ever lived.  Left his nation over to a vain young man, with his household in open rebellion.  How can this be?

Well, we can learn from another king, when Saul forgot how little he was, he turned against God, who had given him the kingdom (1st Samuel 15:17) and now gave it to David.  Saul turned away from God, unrepentively, and God turned away from Saul.  Note that David greiviously sinned against God, but was repentive.  The results of his sin(s) did not go away however.

Many principals The Word lays out for us.  That we can chose to follow or ignore.  The words of a book Proverbs, authored by God but the penmanship was of a father to his son, is I believe, one of the most important books in the Bible for us and our interaction with this world.

Proverbs 4:5  Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth.  

4:7  Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.  

16:16  How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!  

17:16  Wherefore is there a price in the hand of a fool to get wisdom, seeing he hath no heart to it?

A wise man, who ignored or forgot the wisdom he had, lured by the delights of this world.  Yet, to his claim is the books that he surrendered to the heavenly Father and penned.

Have a great day, On Purpose!

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The Old Cow Man

 I rode across a valley range
I hadn't seen for years.
The trail was all so spoilt and strange
It nearly fetched the tears.
I had to let ten fences down
(The fussy lanes ran wrong)
And each new line would make me frown
And hum a mournin' song.

Oh, it's squeak! squeak! squeak!
Hear 'em stretchin' of the wire!
The nester brand is on the land;
I reckon I'll retire,
While progress toots her brassy horn
And makes her motor buzz,
I thank the Lord I wasn't born
No later than I was. 

'Twas good to live when all the sod,
Without no fence or fuss,
Belonged in partnership to God,
The Gover'ment and us.
With skyline bounds from east to west
And room to go and come,
I loved my fellow man the best
When he was scattered some. 

Oh, it's squeak! squeak! squeak!
Close and closer cramps the wire.
There's hardly any place to back away
And call a man a liar.
Their house has locks on every door;
Their land is in a crate.
These ain't the plains of God no more,
They're only real estate. 

There's land where yet no ditchers dig
Nor cranks experiment;
It's only lovely, free and big
And isn't worth a cent.
I pray that them who come to spoil
May wait till I am dead
Before they foul that blessed soil
With fence and cabbage head. 

Yet it's squeak! squeak! squeak!
Far and farther crawls the wire.
To crowd and pinch another inch
Is all their heart's desire.
The word is overstocked with men
And some will see the day
When each must keep his little pen,
But I'll be far away. 

When my old soul hunts range and rest
Beyond the last divide,
Just plant me in some stretch of West
That's sunny, lone and wide.
Let cattle rub my tombstone down
And coyotes mourn their kin,
Let hawses paw and tromp the moun'
But don't you fence it in! 

Oh it's squeak! squeak! squeak!
And they pen the land with wire.
They figure fence and copper cents
Where we laughed 'round the fire.
Job cussed his birthday, night and morn,
In his old land of Uz,
But I'm just glad I wasn't born
no later than I was!

Badger Clark Jr.

Monday, January 10, 2022


 Over the years (I have been saved over two decades) I have seen several different versions of this acrostic (I think that is correct word).

I have seen one or two versions that I believe are bordering on hearsay or unbiblical.  There are others, that though they don't line up completely with this version, I think just have the emphasis at different points.

It is a simple way to decide or demonstrate where you stand.  It uses Baptist as its word, but the meaning is Christian.

I prefer this version best, as I believe it is in order, from higher to lessor (though not of any less importance in the Christian walk).

B - Biblical Authority: our final authority in deciding any matter is the Holy Bible (in the English language preserved through the Authorized Version, sometimes known as the King James).

A - Autonomy of the Local Church: each Church family is solely a self authorizing organization accountable to Jesus Christ alone.  No bishops, popes, conventions have the right to dictate to a local body of believers.  This does not exclude alliances for Christian works, missions etc, but these must be monitored Biblically to ensure the Church is not drawn into an unholy relationship.

P - Priesthood of Believers: every Christian is a priest, free to approach God directly through the work of the Chief Priest Jesus Christ.  There is no need to go through any man/woman to approach God.  No popes, no confessionals staffed by a man.

T - Two Church Offices: the local body of believers is governed by two offices only.  Pastors and Deacons.  Pastors are chosen by God and accepted by the Church family, to act as shepherds following the Over Shepherd Jesus Christ ("follow me as I follow Christ").  Deacons are chosen from within the Church family to act a servants to the body ("it is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables").  Note: this does not stop a Church body from appointing staff (secretaries, administrative etc) but those are not scripturally outlined and at no time supersede the biblical positions.  All Church staff should follow as applicable the pastoral epistles in regards to Church leadership (i.e. no divorcees in Sunday school class teachers or Trusties governing buildings etc).

I - Individual Soul Liberty: each believer is solely accountable to Jesus Christ for how their understand and live out the Christian life.  No one can claim at the Bema Seat Judgement that they were following direction of some man/woman/order.  Every Christian needs to search the Scriptures to see if it is so.  To challenge the spirits.  This does not preclude seeking Biblical advice, yet the individual is responsible for their steps.

S - Saved, baptized Church membership: to be a member of a local body of believers, you must be saved.  The first step of obedience to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is baptism by immersion.  A believer cannot be a legitimate member of a Church unless baptized (though this would not effect their salvation), and a person to whom someone has 'baptized' (infant baptism or such like) but who does not have a personal belief nor been saved by their knowledge of Jesus Christ cannot be a legitimate member of a Church of believers.

T - Two Church Ordinances: the local Church is commanded by Jesus Christ to be baptized by immersion after belief.  Also, for the body of believers is the Lords Supper to be a remembrance of what has been done.

S - Separation of Church and State: the government has no say in how a Church body of believers administrates or seeks out their worship, part and parcel, no Church body dictates to a government how they are to govern.  No State Churches.  Government stops before the pulpit.

Each one of these could fill reams of paper going into the fine details with the supporting Biblical references.  Many folks died so that these principals could be passed down to us.  

I hope this was of some use.  Have a great day!  Serve God.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Happy New Year

 Day late and a dollar short.  Got busy.  House is quiet again.  Was a blessing of a holiday period.  Was able to follow the rules and gather together as a family.  Truly blessed.


Well.  We are coming out of a deep freeze.  Election year in the states to our south (and a good chance of an election here federally).  The...