I saw this on a website I visit regularly this morning, and of course, with my infantryman's sense of humour I immediately posted it to FB with a trigger warning for those without a dark sense of what can cause one to laugh.
Of course there is more to this comic than meets the eye. You see, just a easy walk down societal road. Our Western Civilization started, no matter what anyone says, on the basis of Christianity. The ability to make an agreement, that was based on a common understanding, that someone would keep their word.
Yes, that is the basis of civilization (why do you think Communist China is so corrupt? - don't take my word for it, Google China Defective Products and come back - see you in an hour...LOL). Everyone plays on the same sheet of music (to some degree, there will always be different flavors of the juice). The Roman Church held all the reins of power for centuries, until the corruption became too obvious and the reformation started (just look at why Martin Luther rebelled - indulgences will give you a starting track).
Western Civilization came out of the belief, that there is a God, who holds men accountable. Those who do bad will be punished, if not in this world, the next. Of course, a just God will be and hold men to good. And of course if there is good, then there must be evil.
Recently watched the movie from a couple decades back (am I that old?) Santa Claus 2. Of course it has its plot and is quite funny. They put a robot santa in charge while the real Santa (Tim Allen) goes to find himself a wife. The robot santa reads the rule book. Well, if you've watched it you know the story, and if you haven't you can probably figure it out if I told you the temporary santa wants to give all of the children coal.
So then, are there any good people? If and when you read the Bible (God's handbook for this life to mankind) you quickly see that all have fallen short. None of us are with out sin (doing something bad). So a 'just' God has to punish the sin or He is not a just God, just another charlatan.
A dilemma...
All people fall short of the glory of God.
What is the answer?
Well, in times past, before creation, God the Father sat down (did they have spiritual chairs? who knows?) with God the Son and set out a plan. The mankind that They/He (The Trinity, almost impossible for a man to understand) would create, would fall, as would a sizable cadre of the heavenly angels.
There was a place built for those fallen angels (and a future place - the lake of fire - for them in eternity), but that place was not built for man.
God had a plan. A simple plan.
He would send His Son, His only begotten Son to earth, to live as a man, to be tempted at all points as a man and yet to never sin. To suffer indignities and pain as a man, to be accused of things He never did and to die innocent, carrying to the cross, all of the sins of man. Every sin, from beginning to the end.
Jesus died for them, in our place.
So, Santa ignores our sin, the kids get coal, but nothing really is done. God does not ignore our sin. Punishment has been carried out. Paid in full.
All you have to do is accept that gift, the gift of God to mankind. Forgiveness of sin, acceptance into the family.
God's grace.
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