"And sex is no longer the reward women grant for a
proper courtship and marriage; it is the currency women use to get momentary
"We have a friend named Bruce who is a family doctor. Recently he related a
startling experience.
"I walked into the exam room," he said, "to see a 14-year-old boy. He was
dressed in a collared shirt and nice pants. He jumped up to shake my hand
and introduce himself, then turned and introduced his mother."
The reason this experience was so unusual, related Bruce, is because most
teens slouch into his exam room in sloppy clothes, mumble responses to his
questions, and let their mothers do the talking (because they're busy
texting their friends).
One reason for the shortage of Young Men in this country is a lack of
fathers in the home, with the consequent masculine role models and strong
moral leadership. Another is the low expectation boys are given by society,
where chivalry is often seen as Neanderthalic.
But I believe one of the biggest reasons for the lack of Men is women.
Women are not training boys and men to be gentlemen; they're training them
to be barely-restrained beasts.
A tremendous amount of blame for the lack of True Men in this country today
is because women no longer require men to be Men. There was a time when
women's virtuous behavior meant men had better mind their p's and q's or
they didn't have a ghost of a chance for a date, let alone physical
intimacy. Nowadays women are considered virtuous if they wait until after
dinner to have sex...
Of course, one of the biggest prerequisites for men to act like Gentlemen is
for women to act like Ladies. And maybe that's the biggest problem of all.
to treat her respectfully. Nor is there any reason for a man to change his
instinctive boorish behavior and tone it down in the presence of a woman.
Why should he, if she's just one of the guys? She's nothing special"
Men, who are men want to treat women with respect, men who have developed into animals (or just a step above), treat woman like meat.
The Word gives us clear direction as to how we are to treat women, either as a sister, a mother or a wife. And the command is pretty stringent.
Ephesians 5:25 "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;"
Just a short posting this morning, I am covering for Pastor so I must go get ready. Put your trust and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ today. js