Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Well.  Counter offered on an offer and it looks like we have sold.  This will mean a move, the homes we had on string have sold.
Of course, we moved here from Yellowknife in January, purchasing this home off of my parents (to help look after them because my father had cancer), dad died not long after we got here.  Barb and I have said since we bought this home, that The Lord bought it for us; He would have to sell it (due to my parents owning a lake property at the time, we hadn't actually walked through it in over tens years at time of purchase).  Looks like we will be moving in January again....  

It as been a good home, will be nice to move closer to grandchildren (if that is the Lords will).  Of course, new jobs?
Lots of things to pray about.  Taking a step of faith...   js

Saturday, November 23, 2019

In Search of a Church

We live in an area where there is a shortage of Bible believing Churches.  There are some Baptist Churches locally, but they hold to the Central Seminary view of Gods Word.
We believe that God preserved His Word (as He said He would).
And we can find it in the English language through the Authorized (King James) version.
Of course, there are some who will condemn us with the 'King James Only' slur, though, if I held to that it would not be necessarily completely wrong.  I don't agree with the Ruckman position that God re-inspired His Word, correcting errors, why would He need to?
I hold, based on Gods Word and study, that we can have the pure Words of God (as He promised), preserved in the King James Bible.  Gods work, not man.
I believe that the other 'Bibles' are corrupted (with the texts and methods of translation).  Does this mean that they are not Bibles?  Of course not.  I can paraphrase the Gospel.  Does this mean it is not the Gospel?
It is a shame the times we live in.   js

Friday, May 24, 2019


Quite a bit of talk about this issue the past while.  The left here in Canada and the US to our south are realizing that the narrative is changing.  People no longer believe that the child in the womb is just a clump of cells.  That by giving it 'un-human' sounding names ie: zygote, fetus, doesn't take away its humanity.  And of course, if it is human, what 'human rights' does he or she hold.
They're (the pro-choicer's) quite upset naturally because they have allowed themselves to be pushed into an indefensible (with logic anyways) position.  In other words, by passing legislation in Virginia (and Canada for that matter), that allow a woman to decide to terminate her offspring right up to the point of birth (and in Virginia's case, maybe even after), how can they say they are for protecting the life of children.  Children who successfully escape the womb have rights?  Five minutes prior: no rights?....
The pro-life side must take care also.  There are cases where medical authorities may have to make a triage decision to 'save the life that can be saved'.
I hold to life, in all cases I lean to life.  I fully understand that people die, having been training as a emergency responder, mine rescue, fire, soldier etc.  I know, that decisions have to be made.  Sometimes, not everyone lives. 
Hopefully calmer heads will prevail.  I have my doubts however, the pro-abortion side has pushed so hard, the pro-life side is (righteously so) pushing back.  Politicians are making hay.
The wisdom of Solomon is required, where to find it?    js

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Praise the Lord

Well.  I have not been on here for quite some time.  Had some medical issues that tried to put me in the dirt, but by Gods grace, I am still here.
Don't know if anyone has read anything I have ever posted here (or on my previous BLOG).
Facebook seems to take most of the time of my generation now.
I will try to post things that are on my mind.  The Lord provides, life is good.
Have a great day, On Purpose!   js


Well.  We are coming out of a deep freeze.  Election year in the states to our south (and a good chance of an election here federally).  The...