As I am sure, everyone is aware that it is election time to the south of us. I am not a conservative nor liberal. I guess you could say I am a 'classical liberal'.
In life I consider myself a born-again Christian, I vote for life, whatever actions support protection of the most innocent in all cases. The promotion of life. Hence: I see no contradiction (nor is there any) between standing for the death penalty and being against abortion on demand.
All that aside, I have been well aware since my political awakening in the late eighties that the MSM has mostly promoted and supported leftist idea's. That's okay, I have learned decades back how to read the news, much like people in the old Soviet Union knew how to read Pravda. Its not what they say, it's what they don't say.
As a Christian blogging, I try to stay away from blatantly political posts however: I am troubled by this new development. The MSM to our south has followed our CBC here in Canada by going 'all-in' for one side in the political scene. Shameful.
But it is what it is. Hence, I am sharing this. I have no idea if anyone reads this. I have been blogging on and off since 2003 and truthfully, have no idea if anyone has really ever read anything I have wrote. Doesn't matter, Its like writting a diary. Its okay if no one reads it.
However: I do encourage you (if you are there) to read this article. Good luck, 'the crazy years' are getting more interesting... js
“Would anyone encounter difficulty understanding why such a decree would constitute dangerous corporate censorship? Would Democrats respond to such a policy by simply shrugging it off on the radical libertarian ground that private corporations have the right to do whatever they want? To ask that question is to answer it.”
“To begin with, Twitter and particularly Facebook are no ordinary companies. Facebook, as the owner not just of its massive social media platform but also other key communication services it has gobbled up such as Instagram and WhatsApp, is one of the most powerful companies ever to exist, if not the most powerful.”