Monday, June 28, 2021

"My 90th Birthday"

 "In all these ninety years I have been around.

Many kinds of changes I have found.

Some for the better and some, not so good.

I've tried to accept them the best I could.

I have had many blessings which have kept my faith strong.

With my trust in my saviour to guide me along.

Now when He calls me and says, Well done.

May I enter in Peace in my heavenly Home."

By Jewel C. Adair

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Emma Jewelle Adair (nee. Curtis) 1884-1976, faithful wife of Jeffie (Jefferson) Sheilds Adair 1883-1970

 I have very few memories of these two.  All I remember is that they lived around the corner from my grandparents home in West Palm Beach.  She always (at least in front of company) addressed her husband as "Mr. Adair" and he addressed her as "Miss Jewelle".  The memory I do have is him saying "now Miss Jewelle..."  Whenever we (the grandkids) wanted something.  Fond memories but very brief.

My mom passed not to long back, and among her things were some writings:

"These poems and letters were handwritten by Jewel C. Adair"

"My Birthday

It was a beautiful spring day April 25th 1884.

Whenh I arrived here, which made me number four.

Our family kept increasing until there were eleven of us.

But we knew to come quickly when our name was called.

we had a long table and each one knew his place.

We all sat very quietly while papa said Grace.

My parents were very industrious and raise most evertying we ate.

For they went to work early and worked very late.

We lived pretty well, we didn';t need much money.

For the cow's gave us milk and the bee's made the honey.

By Jewel C. Adair"


Well.  We are coming out of a deep freeze.  Election year in the states to our south (and a good chance of an election here federally).  The...