Aquila and Priscilla were compatriots of Paul. They stuck by him, in reality they stuck by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Theirs is an example of how we should not follow a man unless he follows Christ. They took aside Apollos a Godly man and preacher, but who did not have full understanding. They did this discretely and respectfully (to ensure in no way that they would undermine his ministry), to help him become more like Christ.
They are one of the most intriguing couples mentioned in the New Testament (maybe the only one, I have not done a search), since a young Christian, their story and mentions in the New Testament I find to be fascinating. God obviously wants us (laymen, individuals and couples who desire to serve Christ) to learn something from this couple. We know little about them, excepting their occupation, why they had left Rome (and later returned) and that they stayed by the stuff.
As we have spent over a decade living in area's without large Christian communities (Born-Again, Bible foundational Christians) Barb and I have strove to be 'like' Priscilla and Aquila. No one has ever told us that, nor am I seeking kudos on this. It has just been our example, to follow. This picture (which I have had in my computer for some period of time and found this morning) reminded me of this.
What will we do now that we are here where there is a large Bible Believing Church family? Hopefully, we will stick by the stuff.
Enjoy the long weekend. Stick by the stuff.
1 Corinthians 16:19 (KJV) The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their house.
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