I got saved in mid 1999, and went forward one Sunday morning in 2002 with my heart in my hand to declare to our Lord, that if I were unsure of my salvation when I professed my sin state, that I meant it now. I know that I have 'called upon' the Name of Jesus Christ.
As a new Christian, with my background being diametrically opposed to anything truly Christian I was seeking out the what why and where of my Christian faith.
Right around the time the planes flew into the buildings.
At the same time, the 'Left Behind' series seemed to pick up steam, I know my wife read them all as did some members of our Church family in Yellowknife. I read the first couple but never got into them. I did think they could be an evangelical tool, if used properly.
With the sudden change of our world with the 9-1-1 event and the wars which followed it was easy to think that the 'end times' were right around the corner.
Are they? Well: the Apostles themselves thought that our Lord was going to return during their lifetimes, and if not then, during the lifetime of the Apostle John chapter 21 verses 19 through 25. But of course, when we read it with the power of hindsight we clearly see the Lord was saying for us to be focused on His return. Not on a date.
Interestingly, I do not see North America, or the United States represented anywhere in the depictions of the End Times. You can almost see China, definitely see Russia but NA? No sign.
The US is the only nation on this earth that was founded on the belief that there is a God, and that He wants all men to be equal in opportunity, freedom, life and worship. Of course this does not mean that other nations are not free, or do not restrict the lives of their citizens in life and worship. But only one nation has been known as the 'Great Experiment'.
Lets keep things in perspective. God is in control. I have been reading Jeremiah in my devotionals. Very timely.
Have a great day, stay strong in The Word. js
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