Thursday, March 12, 2020

"The Heaven's declare..." Part 9

"They seemed happy to help us out and we had a nice conversation on the way.  They are planning on coming to south Florida or rather to the Lion Safari which is near here at Christmas time.  They were packed to come last year but when she fell and broke her leg.  I told them to be sure and give us a call if they came and if we could do anything to make their stay more pleasant we would be only too glad to do it. 

Well, when George and I got in the house we could not find the pump.  I knew he must have been the one to remove it from the bus as he had been repairing bicycles all day.  He said not.  He also said it could not be in the tool shed but we decided to have a look anyhow.  Guess what?  The key to the tool shed had been removed from the key-board in the kitchen and could not be found.  We eventually removed a window and there reposing on the shelf where no one but George could have placed it was not only the tire pump but the key to the door as well.  Poor George!!  He means well though.  At last we got back to the poor tired, fly-bitten, hungry and cold people.  No matter what his faults he is a sweet boy and we love him.  He is not afraid to tackle any job and often does it well if left alone.  He is preparing for a career in electrical engineering.  Hopes to enter McGill Technical School in Montreal after finishing high school.  It is considered one of the best to be found anywhere.  Good luck to him. 

The two younger boys have grown some.  Jamie will make his way in the world.  He has not yet decided what he wants to do.  He should be either a big promoter or a Philadelphia lawyer.  He can talk himself into or out of any situation, John is improving but still seems to be unsure of just how far he can go in making friends, anything alive is a treasure to Jamie.  On one of our jaunts he caught a great big slimy black bull-frog.  How that frog could jump and how Jamie squealed with pure devilish glee.  To him it meant another pet if he cold catch it which he did.  When he brought the nasty thing to show J.W. and me I shuddered.  We both had visions of wakening to find the slimy thing in our bed.  We were very pleased when Faith made him release it.  The children already have a pet hamster (is it That/ Which? Who? or it?) runs all night on a roller-coaster contraption in the cage and a pet chipmunk that does the same thing all day. 

The greatest change in all the family is in Faith.  We wondered, not for the first time, why they had to be so far away.  Bill said "Mother just wait until you see the change in Faith."  The climate certainly agrees with them all.  She does not look to be the mother of six children and an adopted one.  Really does not look more than ten years older than Terry who will be eighteen in December.  First she is wearing glasses, then her hair is darker and she wears it cut short and very casual.  Both are very becoming.  Bill seems to be older but he has lost quite a good bit of weight and has had a very serious illness this year and has great responsibilities.  We ask that God to Bless them all.  

While in Toronto.  J.W. was told of a trip to the end of the world, or so it seemed to us and one we were advised to make if possible.  As J.W. was all enthused and I wanted to miss nothing, I looked forward with much pleasure to this last fling."

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