Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Heaven's Declare... Part ten.

Page 8
"So... it was on to Moosonee (Moose-O-nee)

You will probably say I am stretching the truth when I say we left Kirkland Lake at 7:00 P.M. drove 99 miles and saw the sun go down at the end of that 99 miles in Cochrane, Ontario where we spent two nights.  It is the truth though.

But I have reached Cochrane too soon so let's go back to Kirkland Lake for a little while.  One of the fiercest, blackest mountain storms I have ever seen came up about 5:00 P.M. Thunder, lightening, high winds and driving, blinding rain.  It was suddenly as dark as night outside.  However it did not last more than an hour and a half.  It was over by 7:00 P.M. and only a little rain falling at that time.  We had our dinner and left.  The drive to Cochrane was beautiful at that time of day.  The sky was every color of the rainbow, and with the reflection of the sun over the many rivers and lakes, it made a picture no artist could ever put on canvas.  We hope we will have some good pictures.  This is the land of the northern lights and the aurora borealis.

We arrived in Cochrane at 9:15 P.M. a very high and very keen wind was blowing and felt as though it came straight from the arctic ocean.  Brrr!  Luckily, we had made our reservations ahead of time for they were turning them away when we arrived.  A few others had the same idea as we had, to make the trip.

My precious grand-daughter had made up, what Kerry Frances called a "Care" box for us to take along.  There were tea bags, sugar, butter, a delicious blueberry coffee-cake, plates, cups, knives, forks, spoons, napkins and an electric percolator to heat water for tea.  Alack and alas!!  I had foolishly had "an overindulgence of my already overexaasperated appetite" remember that Eunice?  I had eaten a tossed salad at dinner containing radishes.  someday I'll learn.  Maybe."

Half way through the page.  Have to stop as my grand-kids are to be here in a couple of minutes.  Unfortunately, while I write this the world around us is in a dead panic about a flu from China.  Is it serious?  I am sure for those who catch it.  Is the response justified?  Well, I am sure we will eventually know.  For now, going to the park with Jack, Barb and Shea-lynn.   js

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