Sunday, December 13, 2020

Esther 4:14

 I am sure that everyone reading this has read or has heard of this verse, with its key phrase (bolded) "For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this

But how many have read on into the chapter regarding the outstanding bravery of this young lady?   Two verses later: "so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish."

She determined to do right.  Regardless of her opinion, reputation, consequence, even to her life.

We are living in times like these (has there every really been times when the Christian could coast?), times that try a man and determine who he is and whom he serves.

I am sure that some who read this (anyone?) would think I speak/write on the current US situation, but this spans decades.  My entire life.  

For A Time As This....  Do Right, until the stars fall.  Good advise.   js

Monday, November 30, 2020


"SpaceX booster 1049, designated as B1049-7 to denote having flown seven times,returned to Port Canaveral today to come ashore for its journey to the booster refurbishment facility and then back to another flight.  NASA Spaceflight has a camera set up at the port now to catch the return of all boosters and fairings that come back.  They're calling it SpaceX's sootiest booster yet, and that's the name I propose changing... The straight lines are cleaned areas to allow inspection of weld lines - part of the inspection between flights.  It's just a used spaceship.

Since it's not really soot, I think I'd call it the Millennium Falcon, probably the best-known used spaceship.  A nation of Star Wars freaks would be in awe."


Fours years back America hadn't launched anything in almost a decade.

Friday, November 6, 2020

The End Times

 I got saved in mid 1999, and went forward one Sunday morning in 2002 with my heart in my hand to declare to our Lord, that if I were unsure of my salvation when I professed my sin state, that I meant it now.  I know that I have 'called upon' the Name of Jesus Christ.

As a new Christian, with my background being diametrically opposed to anything truly Christian I was seeking out the what why and where of my Christian faith.  

Right around the time the planes flew into the buildings.

At the same time, the 'Left Behind' series seemed to pick up steam, I know my wife read them all as did some members of our Church family in Yellowknife.  I read the first couple but never got into them.  I did think they could be an evangelical tool, if used properly.  

With the sudden change of our world with the 9-1-1 event and the wars which followed it was easy to think that the 'end times' were right around the corner.  

Are they?  Well: the Apostles themselves thought that our Lord was going to return during their lifetimes, and if not then, during the lifetime of the Apostle John chapter 21 verses 19 through 25.  But of course, when we read it with the power of hindsight we clearly see the Lord was saying for us to be focused on His return.  Not on a date.

Interestingly, I do not see North America, or the United States represented anywhere in the depictions of the End Times.  You can almost see China, definitely see Russia but NA?  No sign.  

The US is the only nation on this earth that was founded on the belief that there is a God, and that He wants all men to be equal in opportunity, freedom, life and worship.  Of course this does not mean that other nations are not free, or do not restrict the lives of their citizens in life and worship.  But only one nation has been known as the 'Great Experiment'.  

Lets keep things in perspective.  God is in control.  I have been reading Jeremiah in my devotionals.  Very timely.

Have a great day, stay strong in The Word.   js

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Two plus two equals four...

 “In Pravda there is no news, and in Izvestiya there is no truth.”

Well.  Last post on current politics.  It is what it is.  The old saying 'you get the government you deserve' is still true.  This didn't happen overnight.  This has been coming for decades.  Folks voted for corrupt crooks who tickled their ears...

Nothing I can do about it.  God is in control.  js

Sunday, November 1, 2020

What a concept


Martin Luther


A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

1 A mighty fortress is our God,
a bulwark never failing;
our helper he, amid the flood
of mortal ills prevailing.
For still our ancient foe
does seek to work us woe;
his craft and power are great,
and armed with cruel hate,
on earth is not his equal.

2 Did we in our own strength confide,
our striving would be losing,
were not the right Man on our side,
the Man of God's own choosing.
You ask who that may be?
Christ Jesus, it is he;
Lord Sabaoth his name,
from age to age the same;
and he must win the battle.

3 And though this world, with devils filled,
should threaten to undo us,
we will not fear, for God has willed
his truth to triumph through us.
The prince of darkness grim,
we tremble not for him;
his rage we can endure,
for lo! his doom is sure;
one little word shall fell him.

4 That Word above all earthly powers
no thanks to them abideth;
the Spirit and the gifts are ours
through him who with us sideth.
Let goods and kindred go,
this mortal life also;
the body they may kill:
God's truth abideth still;
his kingdom is forever!

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Troubling Times

As I am sure, everyone is aware that it is election time to the south of us.  I am not a conservative nor liberal.  I guess you could say I am a 'classical liberal'.

In life I consider myself a born-again Christian, I vote for life, whatever actions support protection of the most innocent in all cases.  The promotion of life.  Hence: I see no contradiction (nor is there any) between standing for the death penalty and being against abortion on demand.

All that aside, I have been well aware since my political awakening in the late eighties that the MSM has mostly promoted and supported leftist idea's.  That's okay, I have learned decades back how to read the news, much like people in the old Soviet Union knew how to read Pravda.  Its not what they say, it's what they don't say.

As a Christian blogging, I try to stay away from blatantly political posts however:  I am troubled by this new development.  The MSM to our south has followed our CBC here in Canada by going 'all-in' for one side in the political scene.  Shameful.

But it is what it is.  Hence, I am sharing this.  I have no idea if anyone reads this.  I have been blogging on and off since 2003 and truthfully, have no idea if anyone has really ever read anything I have wrote.  Doesn't matter, Its like writting a diary.  Its okay if no one reads it.

However: I do encourage you (if you are there) to read this article.  Good luck, 'the crazy years' are getting more interesting...   js

“Would anyone encounter difficulty understanding why such a decree would constitute dangerous corporate censorship? Would Democrats respond to such a policy by simply shrugging it off on the radical libertarian ground that private corporations have the right to do whatever they want? To ask that question is to answer it.”

“To begin with, Twitter and particularly Facebook are no ordinary companies. Facebook, as the owner not just of its massive social media platform but also other key communication services it has gobbled up such as Instagram and WhatsApp, is one of the most powerful companies ever to exist, if not the most powerful.”

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Phil and Margie

 I found these notes while doing a search for my Theses this morning.  These were notes I jotted down and an aide-memories on return from New Hampshire after Phil's funeral in Sept 2009.  Barb and I went out to visit Margie two years later, we never made a planned second trip as Margie died a few years later.

"Phil (Vanesse): born in Wilmington Vermont, 71 years back (Feb 10th 1937), Mother died at birth, father died when quite young (crushed in a building collapse when Phil was five.  Estranged from family after death of grandparents who had raised him) Joined Navy at 19, met Margie hitchhiking (Margi was driving and gave him a ride), got out of Navy for 89 days then re-joined, served 22 years plus a tour in Vietnam 69-70.  Traveled around the world on the USS Wasp (aircraft carrier) in the early 60’s (soon after the wall went up).  Liked bench shooting and motorcycles and hunting moose, a punctual man and some said “a man’s man”.


Margie (nee Barry): born in Peterborough New Hampshire 72 years ago (Nov 24 1935), Mother died while a young woman, parents were antique dealers.  Married Phil in early twenties lived in Spain for 3.5 years in the early 60’s (while Phil was posted there with Navy).  Visited Puerto Rico once to teach a course on a product she was selling.  Enjoys antiques and making blankets (crocheting I think).

Lost their daughter who drowned while in care of Margi’s parents at age three," (Brenda Grace 1960-63 RIP) "Margi stated that this ended her faith.  I keep thinking that their anniversary was Jan 30th 1960 but am not sure (I wrote it in my travel Bible then left it for Margi).

 12 Aug: Margi phoned and told us the Phil was gone; Barb and I discussed it and believed that one of us should be there, due to Bab’s commitments I was to go.  Left home at 2230hrs by road with Kiki’s car for Minneapolis, fog and rain, very stressful, difficult to see roadway signs in and north of the city but made it to the airport on time.    Flew from Minneapolis 0640 13 Aug to Philadelphia then to arrive in Boston around 1430, drove to Milton met Marge and her hairdresser and went to their home, went for supper with Peg and Jon, didn’t get to bed until almost midnight."

 As I mentioned in a previous post.  Phil and Margie were like an extra set of parents to Barb and I while I was travelling.  They faithfully phoned Barb every couple of weeks and sent packages for the kids.  Why?  I don't know.  

We met them in July 1988 at Mount Rushmore, when Barb and I pulled in we parked beside a blue and silver Harley Davidson (same colour as ours) and when we came back to the bike there they were.

On the note above there were also notations of some extended family.  Phil and Margie had no surviving children of their own.

I miss them.  js 

Monday, September 28, 2020

School work

 Been far too busy to post and probably will be for the next month.  Enrolled in one Bible College course and have to attend several weeks of courses for a new job.  I'll be back, Lord willing.   js

Wednesday, September 9, 2020



Driving across southern Manitoba today piloting for an over-size.  Saw this place on the south side of the highway going out (snapped the pictures are my way home).  As soon as I saw this place (the pictures don't do justice for how it looked in the morning light), it struck me, a stately barn and a brick house.  Across the road was a sign for the Dreamland Motel.  Well, I thought, this property was someones 'dreamland' at one time.  Though no one is living there, someone is still maintaining the property.  Don't get too many pictures as it can be either extremely boring, or very exciting while piloting, and usually both circumstances are mere seconds apart.  

Was following this load.

Worked on memorizing the Books of the Old Testament while driving home.  The Lord is great.   js

Monday, September 7, 2020

Stick by The Stuff

 Aquila and Priscilla were compatriots of Paul.  They stuck by him, in reality they stuck by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  Theirs is an example of how we should not follow a man unless he follows Christ.  They took aside Apollos a Godly man and preacher, but who did not have full understanding.  They did this discretely and respectfully (to ensure in no way that they would undermine his ministry), to help him become more like Christ.

They are one of the most intriguing couples mentioned in the New Testament (maybe the only one, I have not done a search), since a young Christian, their story and mentions in the New Testament I find to be fascinating.  God obviously wants us (laymen, individuals and couples who desire to serve Christ) to learn something from this couple.  We know little about them, excepting their occupation, why they had left Rome (and later returned) and that they stayed by the stuff.

As we have spent over a decade living in area's without large Christian communities (Born-Again, Bible foundational Christians) Barb and I have strove to be 'like' Priscilla and Aquila.  No one has ever told us that, nor am I seeking kudos on this.  It has just been our example, to follow.   This picture (which I have had in my computer for some period of time and found this morning) reminded me of this.  

What will we do now that we are here where there is a large Bible Believing Church family?   Hopefully, we will stick by the stuff. 

Enjoy the long weekend.  Stick by the stuff.

1 Corinthians 16:19 (KJV) The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord, with the church that is in their house. 

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Christians in the Military 3

 I have just signed up as a freshman college student at Bible College (okay, only one course, but still....LOL).  

We started attending CABC in the fall of 1998 in Yellowknife.  Barb and the kids were attending every Sunday morning and I was attending when ever I was in town.  There was another military family who attended.  Lets say the fellows name was Darren.

Well, after a few weeks of attending (stretched over a month or two, I travelled a lot) I started think that this fellow Darren was reporting on me to the pastor/preacher.  Made me pretty pissed.

But Barb was right, there was something different here.  Having been raised a 'faithful' Catholic and not even knowing the order of the four Gospels, not really knowing the difference between the Old and New Testaments.  And most importantly, not knowing that I needed a saviour!

It was a challenging year.  I was coming up on the end of my mid contract with the military (what at the time was called the '20-40' - twenty years or 40th birthday, whatever comes last), and not sure if I wanted to be digging trenches in my fifties.

Looking back today I realize that I have been 'out' almost as long as I was 'in'.  Also, I have been a born-again Christian for over twenty years...  boy time flies.

More later.   js

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Christians in the military 2

 In my typical boldness of that time, storm clouds on the horizon regardless, I took the boat towards the outside markers (approximately 3-5 kilometres from shore).  Initially the going was good.  A bit choppy for a 16 footer, but we had a lot less weight as we had consumed the majority of our gas (I had stocked a couple of jerry-cans on the shore in the channel behind Gros Cap so we wouldn't need to carry it all to the East Arm and back.  

The waves started to pick up in choppiness and rollers started the colour turned and rain started.  The rollers were like nothing I have ever seen on fresh water and definitely not in a 16' Lund.  I had heard of mid-late summer storms on Great Slave but had never seen it up close and personal before.  My father-in-law didn't seem to impressed.  My son woke up as we made the corner.  He kinda freaked (he was just a young boy).   After fighting the water and making little headway towards Yellowknife, I prayed (to a God I didn't really believe in) that God could take me, but let these two survive as the decision to go forth was mine alone.  Please note: that working with the Rangers, I was well aware of the deaths caused by overloaded, careless seamanship, or just misfortune, I was well aware of the toll taken by GSL, Great Bear Lake or the Arctic seas.

After my 'prayer' and while trying to control the boat, I decided that rocks aside, we would need to make our way though the shallow waters to shore (several kilometres distant).  I saw a gap in the distance and thinking it was Dry Bones Bay I started towards it, riding the rollers.  Saw lots of submerged rocks, but escaped striking any and after, what seemed forever, I came upon a small opening in the shoreline (seemed no more than 15 metres wide) and slipped in to a small bay (about twice the size of a small city lot).  The water was smooth and calm inside.  We got to shore, my son (eventually) calmed and Les lost the look of disgust, we fixed a meal and waited (I knew, that though the sun would not set, the movement of moon in the 'evening' would calm the waters).

It took quite a bit of persuasion to convince my young son that it was safe to get back in the boat....

Once we were back on the water, I made our way back out to the outside markers (I didn't know the inside route) and we were at the dock in just under an hour, a cell call and Barb, Alicia and my mother-in-law were there to help us load up.  Of course, Les never really spoke out about my (potentially disastrous misjudgment) though he sometimes mentioned it obliquely.

I quickly forgot about my prayer and got back to work.  A few weeks later, while back travelling the north in my job.  I was chatting with Barb on the phone (we had followed a rule while I overseas that I would always phone when there was an available line, this became a habit - a good one), she asked if I was okay with her attending a Church locally.  I don't recall the exact conversation, I do however recall that I was quite dismissive (to my shame), but said I was okay with it.

A few days later on my next call she told me "you have to come listen to this guy, there is something different here"....

Welcome to Central Arctic Baptist Church and Missionary Pastor Mark Robertson.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Christians in the Military

 I served just over 22 years in the Canadian military.  My home regiment was the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, I served with all the regiments three battalions and the battle school.  I also served two times with The 2nd Commando of the Canadian Airborne Regiment (which, in the late seventies through to disbandment was fed by the PPCLI).  I had a good career but my last two postings were kind of unique.  I was a rifle Platoon Warrant for a platoon with the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada (while simultaneously being a member of 3 PPCLI 10/90) and after this my final stint was with Canadian Forces Northern Area (Rangers), which in my last year became The new 1st Canadian Ranger Patrol Group where I served as its Operations Officer.  

Why do I state my military history in a statement about Christians?  Well, in all of those postings, tours of duty in and out of the country, High Arctic trips, United Nation, NATO deployments, I only remember meeting two... two... avowed Born Again Christians (though I don't think with my Catholic background I had any understanding of what that meant).  Yes there were numerous non-practising Catholics, various types of Protestants, a ton-load of agnostics and a few avowed atheists in the Canadian infantry.  But as a Platoon Warrant and earlier as an instructor in the PPCLI battle school (in the nominal role book) it was easy to see that most put down any convenient 'religion', somebodies got to bury you: or NRE (no Religion Expressed).  And outside of baptisms, recruit school Sundays (catch a nap), I don't think Padre's had a lot of work outside of deployment (I only saw them as a conduit to deal with interesting personnel problems while teaching recruits or while on deployment), nice guys,absolutely not in your face about anything but a kind of loop hole that allowed you to step aside strictly the chain of command to achieve a solution to issues in a platoon or recruit section during military service. 

I did notice that while on our first tour in the former Republic of Yugoslavia that by the end of the tour there were no soldiers in my platoon who still had NRE (or didn't smoke, excepting myself, it was so hard to quit I didn't want to start, chewing tobacco covered off in a pinch...LOL) as their stated 'religion'.  After my last UN tour I was posted to Vancouver.

I was very busy teaching recruits the short time I was with the Seaforths, and the pace tripled when we were posted to Yellowknife with the Rangers.

There had been nothing that I could not do or figure out a way to succeed at while in the service (I am convinced that this is the purpose for the pace, who else would you get the jump out of planes etc...LOL).  Adapt and overcome.  My personal motto. 

The first half of my career I was single, lots of potential, but the military always seemed to send me away, seems most girls are not into a 'letter writing relationship' (either that or I'm just not that motivating...LOL).  My second part of my career I met and married Barb, we had two children.  Barb and the kids were important to me.  My family though important was always relegated to second place to my career.  I know that that is a harsh statement, I would have denied it vehemently at the time, but it was true.  The kids grew, family events happened, our little family developed its own culture and traditions.  Of which I was not really a part of.  Not my proudest actions.  (I was very quick to tell young recruits that the army wouldn't be beside you on that rocking chair when you were old, but I definitely didn't act like I believed it...).

The winter of 1997 I was in Clyde River NT/NU and met a fellow completely unlike anyone I had ever met.  David Hayes.  He was friendly, professional, kind, knowledgeable in his craft (advanced accounting?), understanding and a complete freak....  what do I mean by freak?  He openly read his Bible, he wasn't ashamed to be reliant on an invisible 'sky person'...  He didn't push it, but didn't hide it, and (otherwise) he was normal.  It left a large impression on me.  Later around Christmas, the internet was new, I tripped upon a site that explained Dr. Henry Morris' book on the flood.  I remember saying to Barb "this makes sense, I've been lied to"...   Another startling shock to my world view.

In the summer of 1998 my step father-in-law and my mother-in-law were coming to Yellowknife to visit.  I was to take Les out fishing for a week with James.  The initial plan was to bounce between some of the lakes on the Ingraham Trail, camp the nights, fish the days.  However there was a large forest fire that smoked out the majority of the area to the east of YK and the north shore of Great Slave Lake.  So, the plan shifted to loading up a 16 ft Lund (with  15 & 25 horse motors set up in tandem, one locked one tiller-ed) and visited the East Arm (where some of the most awesome fishing in the world - reportedly - is).  A friend of ours with his buddy were to come along in their boat.  They had some engine problems about an hour out and turned back, we travelled on alone.  

It was a great week.  The trip back down the east arm was uneventful.  We stopped for lunch a Gros Cap and then ventured out to the outside markers (no GPS, didn't know the inside passage).  The sky didn't look good, but it was only a hour plus run...

Monday, August 3, 2020

This same someone now likes boats.

Took our daughter and her family out for a short boat ride.  Our grandsons first boat-ride.
Did a test run Saturday with our son.  Not many lakes around here, but this was a nice sized lake for a first timer.  The Lord has truly blessed Barb and I.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

What is a Christian?

My earliest memories are of living in southern Ontario on the border, I was very aware that we were "Yankee's" and tolerated, though not unwelcome.  Not with everyone however, kids didn't care.  We attended and were members of a Roman Catholic church in Port Lampton.  I remember being fascinated with the paintings on the roof as a young child (the building is apparently long gone according to google earth, I haven't been back in PL since 1968).  One of my earliest memories of 'going to church' is of breaking ice in the puddles with my new shoes on and being chastised.  A few years on we lived in Kirkland Lake and I was an alter boy (no issues with priests personally for me of them stepping out of their role or among any I remember talking with) full disclosure: I was quite shocked when the parish priest knocked back a couple of beers in KL with my dad in our home a few years later (he eventually went on to marry my teacher who was a nun, all good I guess).  One of the fellows I was on alter service with was electrocuted at a closed mine site (Ricky Belek), I don't remember all the details, grade 4 or early grade 5.  We also lived on an old mine site so it struck close to home, I remember my folks laying the law down with us wandering kids...  I remember bits of the funeral, mostly that I was looking around wondering what was true, was he in the box or? You could say I was a faithful Catholic, at least until I was around 14-15 years old.  My rebellious nature started to take over and it seemed I was living a lie.  Telling my folks I was a faithful Catholic while knowing in my heart that i didn't care for any of it became the rule for quite sometime, not proud of that.  God doesn't honour lying.  Later after we moved to FF I joined the military.   js

Sunday, July 26, 2020


The last little while, since the shut down started, I have noticed I get more responses to my Facebook posts.  A few years ago I got off of FB because I thought social media was pointless.  After my adventure in 2015 I rethought it all and decided that it could be for two purposes.
1. to allow me to be in contact with soldiers I worked with, professionals and others, and of course (most importantly) family, and
2. to use the social media avenue as a platform to get the Gospel of Jesus Christ out to my contacts and the world.
Over time point two has become the overwhelming cause I strive to follow.
Well, staying touch is a good thing.  Yet there is so much posted that I really do not want to see, I have to to make an effort to shield myself from things I do not want in my life.  It would be so easy to just 'block' those who not only don't agree, but who want to 'beat me down' or 'argue' or 'correct me' as they are 'offended' by being told (or even just seeing) the Word of God.  I was once where they are, so I do understand.
Now I know that due to Jesus Christ entering my heart just over twenty years back, that I am in this world, but not of this world.  But it is still quite a challenge for this old soldier to not 'strike back' when attacked.  Sometimes I just need to step away.  My encouragement is turning to the 15th Proverb verse 1: A soft answer turneth away wrath, but greivous words stir up strife.  I remind myself that there are:  ...six things doth the LORD hate.. A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord.. (Proverbs 6:16-19).
So: what is the reason I stay on social media, Facebook.  I'll try to explain as follows:

Jesus Christ commands me as his last act this earth;
Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.  
The Great Commission.  I am to 'preach' the Gospel.  To be a witness as to what He has done in my life.  To 'teach all nations'.  No where does it tell me to 'compel', to 'win arguments' to 'debate' or to 'come out on top'.  I am to be a witness.  Not my job to get folks to heaven, there is the Holy Ghost (Spirit) for that.
I have been thinking about this, I will try, over the next while, to post how I got to where I am.  A born-again Christian from a blaspheming anti-Christ person. I revelled in my sin.  Hopefully it will make sense, not show any disrespect.  Please know, what ever I write, it is not about me.  It is about Him and what He has accomplished to and through me.
God bless.  Have a great day, On Purpose!  js  

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Two Posts in One Day

A friend of a friend on Facebook shared this.  I thought I would share it here as it is good. 

"Gracefully Broken!
I was in a supermarket last night and there was a lady and two kids behind me in the LONG line. One was a big kid, one was a toddler. The bigger one had a pack of glow sticks and the baby was screaming for them so the Mom opened the pack and gave him one, which stopped his tears. He walked around with it smiling, but then the bigger boy took it and the baby started screaming again. Just as the Mom was about to fuss at the older child, he bent the glow sticks and handed it back to the baby. As we walked outside at the same time, the baby noticed that the stick was now glowing and his brother said "I had to break it so you could get the full effect from it." I almost ran because l could hear God saying to me, "I had to break you to show you why I created you. You had to go through it so you could fulfill your purpose." That little baby was happy just swinging that "unbroken" glow stick around in the air because he didn't understand what it was created to do...which was "glow". There are some people who will be content just "being", but some of us that God has chosen, we have to be "broken". We have to get sick. We have to lose a job. We have to bury our spouse, parents, best friend, or our child because, in those moments of desperation, God is breaking us but when the breaking is done, then we will be able to see the reason for which we were created."
Vincent L. Stewart

It All Continues On As If Nothing Has Changed...

Seventh of July and we are still in the midst of the COVID 19 (Wuhan Flu, China Flu, whatever name it will actually be remembered by).  Of course we have been told that we will 'die' if we don't stay in our homes, now wear masks (unless your rioting...).  So: good old common sense to wash your hands avoid the sick, avoid those at risk if you are sick and respect peoples personal space didn't work...  Or maybe they have.
I listened to the BBC this morning and the drug that the US President touted a couple of months back, that the media screamed bloody murder would never work, actually works.  Well maybe not, except when it does...   Of course there are better drugs that the US bought up so there's none left for the rest of the world.  I got the impression from the theme of the report that if the US populace would just vote the right way come November that all of this will just disappear...
It is like living for real in the middle of a Second City TV skit or Monty Python.  And of course you are a "denier" if you don't buy into it all.
Oh well.  Not much I can do.  The Holy Bible predicts these kind of times, at least the possibility of a world government, so it is wise for me (and us all) to not get overly drawn into this latest storm-kettle.
Barb and I read Acts 5 this morning (we are reading a chapter a day of The Word).  Peter gives us a clear representation of our responsibilities during times when those in rightful authority give us orders that contradict Gods clear leading (Peter was standing to answer his nations High-Priest whom even Paul later in the Scriptures apologies for not speaking correctly to).  We are to obey, yet we are to obey God first.  Acts 5:29 'Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.'
I believe in most cases it will be abundantly clear, of course in our current state you will be stepping out of the main-stream.  You will be unpopular.  There will be cases where it may not be as clear.  You (and I) will need to be 'prayed up' and 'filled up' with The Word so that we easily recognize error.
So... July 7th.   Have a great day, On Purpose!   js

Sunday, May 31, 2020


Proverbs 8:32-36 Now therefore hearken unto me, O ye children: for blessed are they that keep my ways. Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not. Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the LORD. But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Interesting Times

Well, as I am sure everyone is aware.  We are well into our social distancing and stay at home time.  It looks, at least in our jurisdiction, that things are slowing going to start back up.  I am sure we all have questions as to how the world is going to work, how we are going to meet and any other type of 'hands-on' training or public or private interaction is going to be conducted.
I am attending training and seeking knowledge to ensure that anything I conduct or participate will put no one at risk.
My hope is all those at work and those still at home are safe.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Phil and Marji.  I will write on these two when I collect my thoughts.  They were (and through memory still are) a blessing to us.


Romans 10:17  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Leaders I find interesting

Leaders who are attacked while in office I find interesting.  Please note: all politicians have their political enemies, I am talking of those who are reviled.  Harper?  Nixon?  GWB?  and of course DJT?

No matter what they do, a sizable cohort will oppose them, of course, the same will later on rave on their policies, and if enough time passes will even give credit where due.

The leader I find interesting today is another sort.  Was he a Christian in world view, I believe so, was he saved?  I don't know.  Was he a good man?  definitely.

Apparently he carried this throughout his time in public service and office.

"Sometime when you're feeling important; Sometime when your ego's in bloom;
Sometime when you take it for granted, You're the best qualified in the room:
Sometime when you feel that your going, Would leave an unfillable hole,
Just follow these simple instructions, And see how they humble your soul.

Take a bucket and fill it with water; Put your hand in it up to the wrist;
Pull it out and the hole thats remaining, Is the measure of how much you'll be missed:
You can splash all you wish when you enter, You may stir up the water galore,
But stop, and you'll find that in no time, It looks quite the same as before.

The moral of this quaint example, Is to do just the best that you can,
Be proud of yourself but remember, There is no indispensable man..."

Reportedly carried by President / General Dwight D. Eisenhower 1890-1969

Dwight Eisenhower (right)

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Morning devotionals

That Church that we are attending here is sending out their ministries via live-stream and also giving out morning messages to encourage folks during this time on lock-down.  Pastor Matt is a song-leader and youth Pastor and we both consider him and his wife our friends.
Thought I would share this one as it references one of my favourite songs (Barb says their all my 'favourites'
Enjoy.   js

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Page Thirteen (last page)

"We had an uneventful drive down to Louisville.  As we crossed the Ohio River from Cincinnati into Cynthiana Kentucky a big sign read "Welcome to Kentucky" very heartily I said "Hello Kentucky:  to which J.W. replied "Huh, you are not so glad to see Kentucky as you are to be leaving Cincinnati.  "There was so much truth in this statement that I did not deny.  That is one HULLOVA town to drive through.

The beautiful hills of Eastern Kentucky were before us.  I have never known where Pee Wee Valley was located until now.  We arrived back in Louisville at 6:00 P.M. in time for a delicious dinner.  From here on out, I found I talk too much.  Can you imagine that? and the fact that I am admitting it?  I was so keyed up I had to let off steam.  Guess Bob, Eunice and Mrs. Allen wished I had chosen somewhere else to do it.  Also I know they were relieved when J.W. called m attention to the fact they were falling asleep in their chairs and would like to retire.  I deduced that it was time for me to shut-up!!!  So I did.  For the night.  CONSOLATION it was not me, they had been up very late the night before also.

Our car did indeed look like a moving van when we gathered up the things I had left in Louisville and the "Stuff" and such collected elsewhere.  We left Louisville Friday at 2:45 P.M. for Goodlettsville, Tennessee.  A heavy rain delayed us and we thought we would be late arriving but due to the time change again we had lost an hour and so were earlier than we thought.  Here an unexpected and most pleasant surprise waited for us.  Maie had invited her friend Edna Parrish over for dinner and the night.  I had not seen her since 1948.  After dinner J.W. drove Maie to the church near here for the wedding of a young and dear friend.  It was so nice for us to renew our earlier acquantance with Edna.  This too short but most pleasant visit put the finishing touch needed for a perfect vacation.

Early Saturday we started the long stretch home.  Did not think there was room for one single thing more in the car but.....we stopped in Georgia and bought a bushel of peaches for Curtis (my uncle).  With much cramming and squeezing we made room.  Arrived in Cordele, Georgia at 6:15 P.M. had dinner, showers and were ready to turn in quite early.  J.W. called and had a nice telephone visit with a Boy Scout friend whose home is in Cordele.  A safe trip from there home on Sunday.  Hurricane Camille gave us no trouble, she was too far away.  Not even rain. (for interest)

We covered 5000 miles and saw many new places, made many new friends but when we crossed the Palm Beach County line I wanted to shout.  When we passed through the toll-gate and the guard said "Hello, we sure are glad to see you folks have gotten home again and safe".  I would have changed places with no one.

We stopped for a few minutes to see Pat and the boys (Kevin, Patrick and Jeffery, shown in the family picture from a few years prior), also to unload some.  Curtis was on duty at the Fire Station but when Pat called to let him know we had gotten back he was here at the house almost by the time we were.

As we faced the ocean on the last mile home from Curtis' a beautiful rainbow formed a perfect arc across the sky.
Rainbow Over West Palm Beach Florida City Buildings – HDR ...(Not her picture, just one I found of a rainbow and West Palm Beach.)

A perfect ending.  How very good God had been to us.  He had given us a safe journey these many miles to visit our loved ones and now he had brought us safely home.

To my sister, children and friends who are to receive this, our sincerest thanks again for your part in making this a vacation which we will long remember.  There is much we did not see and much we saw that I have not spoken of, but we are looking forward to next year.  I do hope you have not been bored nor disgusted with the many errors the typewriter has made.  The beauty of this written report is that if your want me to shut-up you can just put me aside.  But if you have read this far without doing so, you are to be congratulated on your endurance powers.

Much much love to Each one of you,


Well.  We are coming out of a deep freeze.  Election year in the states to our south (and a good chance of an election here federally).  The...